Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Best Fit - 890 Words

The Best Fit Aristotle one of the best philosopher in the third century BCE explained what a virtuous act was and how we could get it. Immanuel Kant was one of the best philosophers in the 17th century, and created the Categorical Imperative, and John Stuart Mill was one of the best philosopher on the 18th century, and created The Utilitarianism ethical system, but which one made the best moral theory that best fits our culture and community? As we have seen in Chapter 7, ethics differs from culture to culture. In our culture we developed ourselves wanting materials and adventures that gives us pleasure and happiness. The ethical systems that makes the greatest amount of happiness is the Utilitarian System, and it is the theory that best fits my culture, however we have a combination of the Deontological system in order to keep laws and peace from falling apart. Aristotle one of the best philosopher in our history developed a moral system in which brings virtue, and it tells us what the best type of act we can do. According to Aristotle, â€Å"The virtuous act is the mean between two extremes, which are vices; for example courage is the mean between rashness and cowardice† (Cahn 135). This means that we should have control of our emotions, and think how we are going to act, then we will be making a virtuous act. When a person acts with courage he will become virtuous because he practiced being courageous. He will become what he practices. However Aristotle’s system does notShow MoreRelatedHrm- Best Fit and Best Practice1792 Words   |  8 Pagesconcepts the most important concepts being used nowdays in Human resource management areâ€Å"Best Practiceâ€Å" and â€Å"Best Fitâ€Å". There is a big increase on the debate between Best practice and Best fit, as to whether they general concept of Best practice is benificial to every organization and similarly the same for the concept of Best fit. Best practice suggests certain types of practices are universal ly successfull while Best fit acknowledges the relevent impact of contextual factors. Further below we will lookRead Morebest fit and best practice in HRM3167 Words   |  13 Pagesall Japanese manufactures to capture western market. The theoretical approach of human resource management now taking consideration in context of taking competitive advantage of organization this led to how an organization use their technical and best human resources to compete the current market scenario. Faculty and alumni of Harvard business school first proposed the model of HRM which was known as the Harvard Model of HRM. This was first time then intellectual think to consider HRM for managementRead MoreBest Fit vs Best Practice Essay1804 Words   |  8 PagesAccording to its proponents, the ‘best practice’ school of thought is the route to organizational success. If that is the case, why is ‘best practice’ not standard HR practice within all organizations? Proper management of human resources is a critical variable affecting an organization’s growth, competitiveness, productivity, profitability, and survival. The core strength of any organization lies in its human resources because it involves a ll management decisions and practices that directly affectRead MoreCollege Is The Best Fit For College Essay1838 Words   |  8 Pagesdirect lecture from their professors. Tuition rates might sway a student’s decision when choosing a particular college. With the amount of post-secondary institutions in Florida, students may feel overwhelmed when figuring out which college is the best fit for them. In Miami, Florida, public and private colleges share similarities and differences related to their financial assistance, tuition, acceptance rate, and size class. When it comes to financial assistance for college, there are multiple waysRead MoreContingency Approach : The Best Fit Model1370 Words   |  6 PagesContingency Approach (The best fit model) The contingency approach to SHRM practice seeks to align people management practices with competitive business strategies to generate increased performance (Miles and Snow 1978). HRM practices that are not consistent with business strategies and are in conflict with other HRM practices, create confusion or ambiguity which may lead to decreased performance for the individual and the organisation (Schuler and Jackson, 1987; Schuler, 1989). Forbrum et alRead MoreWhat Career Is Best Fit For Me918 Words   |  4 Pagesworld , those lyrics from Prince perfectly defines the meanings of life. The happiness, the struggles, and the discovery of why we are here on this earth. It has been two months so far since graduation, and I am still discovering what career is best fit for me. Lately, I have been job-hunting almost everyday and it is exhausting, but I remain confident. I do plan on going back to school to earn my Masters as soon as I figure out what I want to do ,but lately I have been looking for stable jobs inRead MoreInvestigating The Best Market Fit For The Product2082 Words   |  9 Pagesthe potential internalisation of Vitel Water’s prill beads into either the Vanuatu or Kiribati markets. Clean drinking water is scarce in both nations but they offer different advantages and risks. The purpose of this report is to assess the best market fit for the product. Company: The Company supplying the product is Vitel Water (Vitel). Vitel sell water purification sets using a product called Vitel Water Beads, or prill beads. Vitel is a family owned and run business operating out of MortonRead MoreThe Best Fit Who Will Promote The New Shoes Essay1559 Words   |  7 Pageshired by Nike Corporation to choose the celebrity who will endorse their new Nike tennis shoes, I collected all the important information as well as conducted the survey to make a right recommendation. So, the purpose of this document is to find the best fit who will promote the new shoes. The document will give you the information about the history and background of the celebrity. Also, it will provide with the survey that was mainly focused on figuring out if our choice was right and if the other peopleRead MoreWhy College Is The Best Fit And The Benefits Of College965 Words   |  4 Pagespeople from the world and learn about them and how their world has shaped their live and the circu mstances that led them into college. In the article, Is College Worth It? Clearly, New Data Says, by David Landoldt, he states reasons why college is the best fit and the benefits that college offers to its graduates. He briefly talks about the financial support that college graduates receive after college and connects it to individuals who have not received a degree. In the article, Why college isn’t forRead MoreHigh Graduation Rate Is The Best Fit For Me1430 Words   |  6 PagesAnother action step I need to engage in, is finding graduate schools in North Carolina that will be the best fit for me. There are currently four fully accredited occupational therapy programs in North Carolina. Although I am not picky about the city the school is in, I would like for the school to be surrounding a larger population. I believe there will be more job opportunities in bigger cities that will allow me to advance in my career. The school needs to have a high graduation rate, and upon

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Implementing An Effective Punishment For An Offender

Achieving justice for all and providing appropriate punishment to fit all crimes is a prominent issue within the criminal justice system. In considering an effective punishment for an offender, the law must be mindful of both the moral and legal rights of a number of parties, including the society, the offender, and the victim, in order to achieve true justice for all (Warren 2005) - a process proving controversial and almost impossible in many cases. Whilst aiming to provide a system in which citizens trust, respect, and understand (Warren 2005), the criminal justice system seeks to sustain a society confident in the justice served by its legal system, and one that possesses a sincere desire for justice. Developing punishments to fit†¦show more content†¦Instead, the focus of the law is directly placed on legal facts presented during a case. From these, justice - in accordance with the court of law - will be served. The problem with this however, is that a prominent belief in society is that the politics surrounding the case over-rule the need for justice inside a court, when in fact, the moral rights and emotions of the victim should be the most important factor whilst determining a just sentence for the offender (The Age 2002). This ideal is based on the belief that the impact the crime had on the victim is more extreme than the impact of any form of punishment placed on the offender, suggesting that justice can only be served once an offender is forced to adress and respond to the concerns of the victim, and following this, suffer extensively harsh punishment (Launchland 2015), regardless of any mitigating factors present in the case. In contrast, many people also support a more empathetic approach towards the offender, encouraging the growth of a more corrective and rehabilitational legal system, and recognising the moral and legal rights of an offender to be just as substantial as those of a victim (Timary Herald 1999) in determining what true ju stice really is. From simply examining the above opinions on what justice really is and how it can be served in the criminal justice system,

Friday, December 13, 2019

General Electrical Medical Systems Free Essays

Q1: What is the underlying logic behind the global product company idea? Global Product Company (GPC) philosophy is mainly aiming at producing products that fit global markets with lowest cost and highest profit. This philosophy has mechanisms that have been applied to different phases of product lifecycle: Manufacturing phase: In manufacturing phase, cutting costs was achieved by moving manufacturing activities and eventually design and engineering activities from high-cost countries to low-cost countries. RD phase: RD is a very important phase in product development, it is essential to develop new products that can compete in the global market and considers different customers’ needs. We will write a custom essay sample on General Electrical Medical Systems or any similar topic only for you Order Now Having high skilled workers in developing countries, where labor has relatively lower costs, has enabled the movement of RD from high-cost countries to low-cost countries, however RD programs, objectives, and strategies were still managed by headquarter and the corporate global senior management. Marketing Sales phase: On contrary to RD and Manufacturing, marketing sales have to be localized operations according to each region and country. Accordingly, GEMS has established many offices around the world for sales and marketing management to get closer to the customer. Q2: Should the Global Product Company philosophy be altered to suit the needs of medical diagnostic market in China? China already has the third largest market for medical diagnostic after USA and Japan and it is already the fastest growing, it has the biggest market or low-ended products which has about 20% of the worldwide industry revenues. Accordingly, somehow the tenets of the GPC policies should change to increase the market share in the low-end products; GEMS should adopt the new â€Å"In China for China† policy and bring the plants in already low-cost countries to China. According to Chinese culture and rules, domestic production will bring greater demand and will also bring a slight cost saving that could enable GEMS low-end products to compete with Siemens products that are already being manufactured in China. Dropping the price with 10% can increase the sales with 50%. Although the â€Å"In China for China† policy might cause duplication in infrastructure, the newly expected market share in the Chinese market can absorb this duplication of infrastructure and production. Q3: Should GEMS be pursuing genomics and health care IT opportunities aggressively in addition, or instead of the China opportunity? China opportunity is a cash cow for the time being, it represents the biggest opportunity in the low-ended products. On the other hand, genomics and health care IT opportunities are the future of the industry they are star products. If GEMS did not look for opportunities and investments in genomics and health care IT, then it will lose its market share in the high and medium-ended products which both represents about 80% of the industry market. Accordingly, I see that GEMS should pursue genomics and health care IT opportunities aggressively in addition to the China opportunity. How to cite General Electrical Medical Systems, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Financial Analysis Starbucks Corporation free essay sample

Financial Ratio Analysis Starbucks Corporation Starbucks Corporation is the global leader in coffee and has a strong entrepreneurial history of product development and branding. Ranked as both a Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 Best Company to Work For Starbucks employs 116,357 team members in the United States (Fortune, 2010). Starbucks (SBUX) Corporation according to Plunkett Research, Ltd. ranks in their industry group as number one in sales and profits. National and internationally Starbucks Corporation own 16,858 stores located in a variety of settings. Since its conception in 1971 Starbucks has expanded to over 50 countries and serves millions of consumers a day. The business has expanded beyond coffee sales to include; †¢ Coffee shops and bars including quality foods †¢ Coffee accessories and equipment †¢ Wholesale coffee distribution Recorded music and DVD sales †¢ Custom music CD kiosks †¢ Book sales (Plunkett Research Ltd. , 2010) It also licenses its trademarks through other channels such as licensed stores and through certain of its licensees and equity investees, produces and sells ready-to-drink beverages. We will write a custom essay sample on Financial Analysis Starbucks Corporation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Starbuck’s portfolio includes brands such as Starbucks ®, Tazo ® Tea, Seattles Best Coffee ®, and Starbucks VIA ® Ready Brew. Co. has three segments: the U. S. , International, and Global Consumer Products Group (Mergent Online, 2011). Financial Ratios Analyzing past and current financial ratios determined by Starbuck Corp. balance sheet are indicators of the corporation’s performance and financial condition. A comparison with industry averages identify rends, strengths, and weaknesses in the corporation and can predict future growth and potential bankruptcy. Financial ratios are classified by the information they provide. The following ratios will be used to analyze the financial state of Starbucks Corp. ; leverage ratios, liquidity ratios, efficiency ratios, and profitability ratios. Leverage Ratios Leverage ratio provides an indication of the future health of the corporation by quantifying the extent the corporation is using long-term debt. Financial leverage is measured by a ratio of long-term debt to total long-term capital (Brealey, Meyers, and Marcus, p. 453, 2003). This analysis was completed for a five year period using Times Interest Earned Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Total Debt Ratio. Times Interest Earned Ratio measures the extent of Starbucks Corp. interest is covered by earnings. The ratio provides lenders information regarding the ability of the corporation to pay their debt. If the corporation’s earnings are in excess of the interest payments then the debt is considered fairly secured. Analysts generally calculate this ratio of earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) to interest payments (Brealey, Meyers, and Marcus, p. 444, 2003). Figure 1 compares Starbucks Corp. to the industry average over five years. The debt incurred by Starbucks is considerably low at 12. 04% but higher then previous four years and the industry average. 2010, Starbucks Corp. time interest earned increased by 7. 57% along with its profit. According to Starbucks form 10K fiscal year 2010; this was attributed to expansion into new models outside the retail store model, increase focus on consumer global consumer products research and development, and expansion in international markets (Mergent Online, 2003). Debt to Equity Ratio measures the quantity of debt each long-term capital dollar carries as expressed by the total debt divided by the total equity. In Figure 1, Starbucks five year trend is considerably lower debt to equity ratio as compared to industry standards.