Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Understanding Leadership

Idyllically, our society has today become a society of institutions. Apparently, they need to be led in an organized way, lest everyone fails, now and the time to come. When our organization fails to be effective and responsible, there are terrible things that are likely to fill the void. In this case, performing, responsible management is the alternative to tyranny and our protection against bad leadership. Managing with courage enables the leader to be enthusiastic and focused in his dealings, hence leading people in the right direction. In most cases, when management fails, totalitarianism prevails. The Drucker article by Peter F. Drucker gathers series information about leadership and management. From the article and in juxtaposition of my personal experience, I feel it wise to share the various ways through which I can exercise leadership in our society today in order to lead people to the direct path. Nevertheless, in leadership, there are a lot that one may encounter that can either weaken or strengthen him as a leader. All in all, by the end of the day, ultimate measure must be attained that the society can appreciate.My Strength in Relation to LeadershipAs a leader, I must admit that I have good and admirable communication skills. This is awfully important when it comes to leadership because those in employment inherently need to understand the nature of task you are giving them. I set my goals appropriately and allow the people I lead to set theirs too. By the end of the day, they have to be met however difficult the situation may be. In so doing, I speak clearly when talking to someone, and in cases where I have to address them on media, I ensure that the electronic me ssages are not vague. Proper communication ensures that none of the information is left out and the recipients act on them accordingly. On the same plinth, I am a leader who possesses good social skills. A leader is someone who needs to regularly meet strangers in order to discuss business. In so doing, one must be able to socialize without any discrimination. Likewise, while talking to the employees, one should be outgoing and so that you can be liked by the workers. I am a leader who exercises social skills adequately in order to accommodate everyone. My skills come as a no surprise, but it is seen in every aspect of my communication. On the same pedigree, I posses high listening skills, I speak comfortably about the products sold and the business at large. This puts me in high possession in case of competition, because of the high standards of decorum that I posses. I love the fact that I am a leader who is confident, determined and work with others as a team. In my leadership, I am able to push through the drawbacks that may affect the business with a lot of confidence. I am much determined that in so doing, I must achieve positive result. While dealing with the setbacks affecting the business, there are a lot of huddles that comes on the way, however, I remain steadfast to ensure that I push through to win by the end of the day. In addition, I involve other stakeholders in decision making and solving of problems that affect the business. I am a leader who is flexible and ever ready to change with the changes, as long as they lead the business towards the right direction. I am a leader who goes with priority. Prioritization is hugely important, and often, when lacking, it holds people back. I look at what is most important to the business at the very particular time. When that that thing is not well done, it gives me space to explore on my creativity and efficiency. Through prioritization, the team is well led because every worker knows what to do at an appropriate time. In the same connection, I keep to my words. This comes in the sense that when I promise to do something to the employees, I have to accomplish it despite the huddles met on the way. Some of the promises that I ensure that are taken care of include, the end year party, additional training to the employees to help them gain much experience, granting more vocational time to them and I ensure that I follow through no matter what. I came to realize that this does not only build trust, but also increases the level of productivity, motivation and engagement.Values that Shape my Leadership SkillsI am a loyal and respectful leader. In the first case, I respect myself and my job too. On the other hand, I ensure that the workers are treated with demureness in every realm. High standards of ethical values are maintained at work place in every circumstance. Development of greater employee loyalty and respect lead to respect among the employees and the employer. Another aspect of my value that helps me move to greater heights is the aspect of fair dealing. I have the history of fair and just connections with the employees. I ensure that the employee who deserves promotion is promoted without fear or favor. On the same line, when it comes to motivating the workers, I do it diligently so that none of them feels left out. I come to learn that when an employee is motivated, he gets the intrinsic drive to do the work and the morale is boosted in order to give outstanding outcome. I am someone who bases his decisions on values, and not beliefs. For example, when situations arise at work place, I have to deal with it head on until I arrive at a decision on what to do. I do not use beliefs to formulate responses. I use substantial values to formulate my responses, and the method has always given me the best solutions. On the same pedigree, I stimulate visions and inspire others. My job creates vision and inspires others to make their visions a reality. They get passion and interest in whatever thing they do because of the zeal and zest they get from me. As a leader, I focus less on numbers, and more values of building a team that brings positive results.What I can Contribute as far as Leadership is ConcernedThis question stern leads to some useful questions that a leader should ask him. Contributions a leader makes should be geared towards the success of the organization. They can either be short, medium or long term contributions. Moving in that line helps the leader to stay focused in his plans. Remarkable leaders think about their contribution, and how their leadership is making a difference to people, products, processes, Customers, and the community at large. As per my case, I am a leader who is a connector. I focus to connect the employees, colleagues, superiors, and the clients. I foster the work done by these parties with a lot of collaborations. I also display genuine considerations for the respect and openness. In so doing, I fully understand the concern of others and in case there is any that requires my attention, I effusively react to it on time so that none can feel offended. As a leader, I am an implementer. In this case, I do planning on time, I discipline those who go contrary to the organization's expectations or those who do not follow the ethos, pathjos and the logos of the company. I also measure the work to be done by every individual and monitor how the work is being done. In so doing, no of the stone remain unturned. Most importantly, I ensure that the organization's resources are well kept and are used for the benefit of the organization and not any other purpose. Depending on the management level, I implement the set goals and ensure that they are in constant line with the strategy set. Interestingly, I give reward to the employees who adhere to the rules set and those who do their work diligently without getting into problems with others. Such acts makes the organization lively in most of the time, hence makes people to work in unison. My third profile is that I am a resolute leader. This is one of the most parts that fail many leaders. It sometimes becomes awfully difficult to make decision concerning the organization. Some might be affecting the welfare of the workers; others might be for the rank adjustments, among many others. Making such decision may affect people in series of ways, nonetheless, the have to be made for the progress of the organization. While making such decision, I become agile and independent and I display great aplomb concerning the very decision. I put into action what is necessary and priority to the organization at that particular time. Despite the interruptions and ambiguities that characterizes such decisions; I remain steadfast to ensure that they are implemented. It is important to remain focused on what is essential and to avoid unnecessary disruption when faced with challenges regarding such hard decisions. I ensure that the energy I spend to influence and convince people point out to the direction I want them to go. I am a visionary leader. I exercise my vision starting from the short, medium and long term objectives. I also look at the in-depth in which the objectives are to achieved and plan for the appropriate pedagogical approach to realize them. When I realize that an approach to be implemented might not work to bring success, I swiftly pull out and employ an appropriate pedagogy. In the same pedigree, I am accurately study the environment under which some things can best work out, and help my workers to anticipate on what is coming and develop sound strategy for copying what can bring success. As a visionary leader, I innovate and seize profitable business opportunities that are not identified by others and venture into them. In so doing, I have the ability to forgo networks and partnership and even influence from other people that can make me not realize what is beneficial to the organization. While taking business, my communications are imbued with my vision because I have the talent to inspire and motivate other with my ideas.Areas to work on in respect of LeadershipBeing a leader is not easy, and it frequently requires time and patience to master the role. At the core, all that most workers want is someone to guide them rather than boss them around. If your intentions and motives are in your company and team's best interests, you're unlikely to fail. There are so many things that as a leader you should put into consideration for the things to work out properly. As a leader, one should try and work on excessive connectivity. Constant connectivity allows the managers to provide feedback on the go. It also helps them to manage workers across all the working zones. The only problem associated with it is that it can always lead to an always –connected, omnipresent approach of leadership, which may disgust many employees, hence making them not to work meticulously. A leader should not be stagnant. It is always important to lead a team that grows. In this dictum, growth starts with the leader himself. This is realized in his ideas, action plans, and how he implements the plans. A stagnant leader is an egocentric leader. He is adamant to the progress of the company, hence unyielding any fruit. It is easy for the company to lose credibility if there is no continued innovation. A leader who does not remind the organization of its purpose does not motivate the team hence losing focus. On the same plinth, a leader should not need to be liked. Leaders are first people and it is natural that they want to be liked. Instead of a leader trying to be well liked among the employees, they should seek to be understood and respected. Similarly, respect is two way traffic, you first respect the workers is when they retaliate. Proper communication with everyone at work place keeps the members in the loop about the reasons behind the decision made. Most importantly, a leader should not be hypocritical in nature. He should do what he says and reverse the same. Hypocrites in most cases lead the business to failure.Short, Medium and Long Term Leadership Plans in LeadershipIn order to be successful in any ordeal, it is pivotal to plan appropriately. Taking charge of the future should be done strategically. One needs well kept records of measurable milestones and goals. In the same line, one needs to upgrade the skills and update the knowledge and information on frequent basis to en sure that they are attained as planned. As a leader, I have my short, medium and long term plans that help me in leading the team. As short term plan requires, I am inherently curtained that the company rules and regulations are followed because through them, the medium plans are achieved. On the same note, I ensure that promotions are done appropriately so that the company can be led into the right directions. The medium plans include developing a larger and more professional network with other related companies so as to expand business territory. The long term plans on the other hand is to ensure that the organization is autonomous and can support workers from and outside the nation. The plans are implemented one after the other to ensure that all are attained. Innately, I have to remain a leader of the people at all cost. I have to ensure that I maintain the highest standards to leadership skills and avoid anything that can paint my leadership blue. In order to construct my leadership skills and learning opportunities, I ensure that I am ready to learn from others. I also organize for conferences where we meet as managers to learn from one another. Most importantly, I give social support to the society in order to maintain good relationship with them in most cases. This is achieved by creating job opportunities to the society within the premise, and also relaxing the prices of the commodities so that everyone gets serviced by the end of the day.ConclusionFrom the analysis made, series of conclusion can be arrived at. It is important to note that The Drucker article by Peter F. Drucker gathers series information about leadership and management. It explains ways in which one can becomes a successful leader in the society. Borrowing my skills from the article, I have learned that a leader is nurtured and through the process, he should become a responsible person in the society. My leadership skills have taught me a lot in life and have taken me to high platforms to negotiate businesses for the betterment of the organization I lead. That which crowns all is that a leader should be humble. Humility is a very important aspect that all leaders should posses.?

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