Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Oder #315536 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Oder #315536 - Essay Example Marital therapy is perhaps the best haven that people in distressed marital relationships can go to so as to help in the healing of their marriages. A skilled and experienced marital therapist provides support and assistance that can help doubtful detached partners to carefully deal with their problems and start the problem-solving and healing process (Parenting and Marital Advice 2009). Marriage is a continuous struggle to â€Å"relate intimately to another human being without being controlled or taken for granted† (Guerin, Fay, Burden & Kautto 1987, 3). It can be a good-humored effort that enhances both partners and cultivates their growth, or it can be a tedious effort, wherein one or both partners are persuaded that their emotional, as well as their physical, survival is threatened (Guerin et al. 1987). The objective of this study is to review and discuss concepts of marital relationship and therapy. First, the paper will discuss the notion of marital conflict and marital therapy. Then, two of the integral concepts in the conceptualization and treatment of relational and marital conflict, namely, loss and context/attachment history, will be discussed. Finally, the paper will discuss how marital therapists could integrate the concepts of attachment and separation anxiety in their treatment plans. Marital conflict has been defined as â€Å"situations in which partners experience communication and problem-solving difficulties, find it difficult to work together, and have difficulty accepting each other’s differences† (Mead 2002, 299). It has been discovered that troubled couples interchange lesser gratifying behaviors and more unsympathetic behaviors than do non-troubled couples, and this is valid for verbal communications and for the interchange of other types of reinforcements (Shaddock 2000). It has also been discovered that troubled partners are

Monday, October 28, 2019

Globalization Interconnectedness Past and Present Essay Example for Free

Globalization Interconnectedness Past and Present Essay We can go even a further back and argue that globalization, in the logic of a growth in interconnectedness between members of different states, is itself only a special case of something more universal. In medieval Europe most people for most-of the time stayed close to where they were born. They inspired mainly local goods and, primarily, produced either for themselves or for a very local market (Schlossberg H. 1992). Economies were mainly local. Trade over considerable distances took place on water either by sea or river, which accounts for the inconsistent number of towns and villages which were either by the sea or on rivers. Human beings seem to have had a steady urge to detach themselves from the area as much as the technology of the day permitted (J Gray 1992). Certainly there have always been big movements, sometimes of populations looking for better circumstances and of conquerors building empires. Under the Roman Empire, large parts of Europe were ‘globalizing’ in this sense and the degree of globalization declined with the Empire’s retreat. The medieval Church could be seen as several form of globalizing force but the degrees of interaction and interdependence were much reduced in the so-called Dark Ages (Thurow L 1996). Communications are also of significance in considering the ‘nationalization’ of different states. As communications enhanced (which before electronic communication meant, in fact, how fast people could travel), states had much more practical unity. This was mostly true of large states such as Canada and the United States where the railroad meant that people could travel between the major population centers, and numerous of the minor population centers, within two or three days as opposed to weeks. Markets then became national as an instant precursor to becoming international. These changes can all be measured parts of the same process (Herman E and McChesney R 1997). On this view, globalization is a trend which has been going on for centuries, which is undeniably continuing and might be accelerating. In this sense, the present period is not in itself novel. However, Scholte (1997) argues that there is more to globalization than this. For him globalization is not just communication on a global scale but deterritorialisation or superterritorialisation of numerous activities which formerly were tied to some terrain, not as a matter of an accident but as a matter of necessity. Thus, there is efficiently a global stock market. There are twenty-four hours trading in the world as a complete and traders in, say; the Tokyo markets keep a close eye on the London market on a real-time basis. There are differences. Tokyo is not just a postal (or e-mail) address of any implication but these differences are minor compared with the similarities or with the distinctions that existed even thirty years ago. It would most probably be possible to place all the worlds’ stock markets in a single place say on a South Sea island and it would make very little difference. It would perhaps make even less difference if this were to be done in twenty years’ time. (It might be a development. The traders might be so tempted by the sun and the good life that they would spend less time trading. Thus, trade less anxiously, and calm the often totally needless fluctuations in the various financial markets. ) On the other hand, certainly, all the traders could work from home. This is the point. The actual geographical location is trivial (Weiner E. 1992). Basically, Globalization is typically held to be inner to globalizing processes usually with the economic put up as the motor of globalization. This heaves questions not simply about the capability of the nation state to govern and the standing of national companies and economic interests but as well concerning what and who comprises civil society. As suggested by Robertson, the coexistence of nation state and civil society is busted by globalization. This offers the origin for an increase in the power of the market, but as well opens up diverse possibilities for globalize forms of sociality and practices, for what some term globalization from below (Robertson, R. 1992). Here, the connection between state and citizenship might be loosened with people playing a vigorous role in more global networks to address issues of communal concern. National governments become simply a partial focus is still influential for definite forms of popular involvement, as established by such groups as Greenpeace and definite humanitarian groups. Globalization consequently offers possibilities as well as intimidation to the extend of capitalist relations. On the one hand, for example, there is the feminization of labor where: †¦global assembly lines are ‘manned’ by women workers in free trade zones; subcontracted industrial home working is performed at kitchen tables by women who ‘have time on their hands’; home-based teleworking is carried out by women who can’t afford day-care costs and are grateful to have paid work (Manicom and Walters 1997:72). However, practices as well expand that convey together groups pretentious by economic reformation in new ways, such as trade unions support labor and community projects exterior their own national base. Likewise, information and communication technologies (ICTs) can be utilized by contradictory groupings. Affinity groups of ‘senior’ or retired citizens, feminist scholars, individuals who share knowledge on health afflictions, hobbyists, professionals, political organizations and many others are†¦using the Internet to educate, proselytise and organize, cutting across national boundaries with apparent ease. (Goodenow 1996:200) As notions of globalization both from below as well as from above help to reframe some of the varied potential within globalization, they as well present a explicit spatial association that seems to be set within specific binaries of above-below, power-resistance and domination liberation. In other words, this is an idea of globalization already included within specific politics, rather than, a reframing of the political and definitely a resistance to it. Conclusion Thus, to compete effectively, business organizations should develop a technology strategy. Moreover, as the concept of the globalization significantly extends this concept to government; not least by giving it an influential institutional framework, but does not significantly alter its function. The global economy does, though, stand in a different relation to the government since it is no longer neutral. It is still presented as apolitical, and is consequently still understood to be ‘economic’, but it has also become a normative and, certainly, normalizing, reality. The global economy functions in a different way with regard to the government; whilst movements in the world economy have long inclined economic policy within the government, the global economy presented as some new realism forces changes in national policy as a complete. This has the further significance, of forcing the government to distinguish between its proper function with regard to the global future and its function with regard to a sub-national, local past. Through the formation of the competition government, the homogeneity of the national economy though assumed in theory is cooperating in practice. The national private economy ceases to be believable as a homogenous unity and becomes a single but distinguished space. This has, certainly, always been the case, but the mobility of capital and the disintegration of the labor-intensive fordist production systems in the North has grinded the differences between regions of the similar government.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Problems With Standardized Testing Essay -- Standardized Testing Essay

In Standardized Testing and Its Victims, an article written for Education Week, Alfie Kohn states: Standardized testing has swelled and mutated, like a creature in one of those old horror movies, to the point that it now threatens to swallow our schools whole.... Our children are tested to an extent that is unprecedented in our history and unparalleled anywhere else in the world. While previous generations of American students have had to sit through tests, never have the tests been given so frequently, and never have they played such a prominent role in schooling. (1) Kohn accurately describes one of the main flaws in America’s education system: standardized testing. According to the article No Child Left Behind, legislation passed in 2002 requires schools to submit scores to the state every year for evaluation (1). Originally intended to be used for improvement, the scores of these annual assessments are overused and have become the sole representation of a school’s success. It is nearly impossible to create an advanced future by reforming schools based on an unreliable assessment tool. Standardized testing is an inaccurate measurement of a student’s abilities because it ignores other forms of aptitude, discriminates against certain students, and negatively affects education methods. Standardized testing piles an immense amount of pressure onto all parties involved. A report compiled by Joan L. Herman and Shari Golan entitled Effects of Standardized Testing on Teachers and Learning– Another Look explains the main causes of pressure from standardized testing. School districts use the scores to evaluate teachers and hold teachers accountable for the scores. Insufficient performance could endanger the teacher’s job and poten... Hicks, Molly G. â€Å"The Cons of Standardized Testing.† Standardized Testing. n.p., 2005. Web. 14 April 2012. â€Å"How Standardized Testing Damages Education.† Fairtest. n.p., 20 Aug 2007. Web. 17 April 2012. Kohn, Alfie. â€Å"Standardized Testing and Its Victims.† Education Week. Editorial Projects in Education, 27 Sep. 2000. Web. 15 April 2012. â€Å"No Child Left Behind.† Education Week. Editorial Projects in Education, 19 Sep. 2011. Web. 14 Apr. 2012. Young, Katie. â€Å"What’s So Bad About Standardized Testing?† Standardized Testing. Michigan State University, n.d. Web. 17 April 2012.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Humorous Wedding Toasts to the Newlyweds :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Humorous Wedding Toasts to the Newlyweds Learning to Love To the newlyweds, When you learn to love hell, you will be in heaven! Forsake Not Forsake not an old wife, for the new is not comparable to her. A new wife is as new wine: when she is old, thou shalt drink her with pleasure. A Clean Shirt Here’s that you may always have A clean shirt A clean conscience And a dollar in our pocket. Health and Prosperity Here’s to health and prosperity, To you and all your posterity. And them that doesn’t drink with sincerity, That they may be damned for all eternity! Diplomacy Getting married is like getting a masters degree in diplomacy. In just two short years you will develop the ability to tell your husband to go to hell, So that he will look forward to making the trip. Facing Problems Sooner or later, in every marriage, you will encounter problems: When this time comes, you must take the bull

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Smed, Continuous Improvement Activity for Crank Changeove

GM INDIA POWERTRAIN PROJECT TRAINEE TOPIC SUMMARY Name of Trainee: SYAMLAL. A. R Qualification: Mechanical Engineering Institute: National Institute of Technology, Calicut Project Guide: Vinayak Angane Title of the project: SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die), continuous improvement activity for crank changeover process. Brief Description of the project: Use SMED techniques to reduce changeover time through system for crank machining to throughput simulation approved levels. Activities to be performed by trainee: * Update crank changeover board to reflect the current. Create and manage tracking sheet of changeover issues and countermeasures. * Measure changeover times by operation. * Get changeover within ‘OEM’ specified timing by end of project. Learning/Expectation of the trainee at the end of term: * Understand process of manufacturing crankshaft. * Understand how to implement continuous improvement process on shop floor. * SMED research and implementation. ACKNOWLED GEMENT I would like to express my gratitude to all the people in the General Motors Power Train department for helping me with my project.I would like to thank the Human resources managers who gave me an opportunity to undertake such a project in a world renowned company as General Motors. I would also like to thank all the operators who passed on all the knowledge that they could in two months to help me understand all the processes. They also helped me in various situations where it seemed that my project would come to a standstill, giving me exactly what I needed to go on. Next I would like to thank the each and every single person in the crank line who helped me and guided me in every step.They provided me with the resources and made suggestions that helped me improve and build a base for my ideas. I would also like to thank my fellow project trainee who had much more experience than me. He helped me to take off on my own path to completing the project with his valuable suggesti on and ideas. Above all I would like to thank him for being a very good friend at the hour of need. I cannot fail to mention the undying support of Mr Kisan Kapse, Mr Prashant Kurde and Mr Bharat Sawant who helped me in every stage of the project. They were of great help in difficult times.I am deeply in debt to them whose stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped me in times. Last but not the least I would like to thank my project guide Mr Vinayak Angane who looked closely throughout the project, correcting and offering suggestions for improvement. He took time off his busy schedule to explore me with alternate approaches to my problem and with ideas that could never have occurred to me on my own. INTRODUCTION The General Motors powertrain in Pune machines cam carrier, cylinder Head, cylinder block and crankshaft. GMI powertrain in Pune is a level IV flex plant.This power train plant is the one and only Level IV Flex plant in India. A level IV flex plant means that the plant can machine different types of the same component in the same machine. This is done by changing the die holding the component and also changing the program mentioning where to machine. My project revolves around the SMED of crankshaft. Some different parts constitute of the Cylinder block, Cylinder head & the Crankshaft. The crankshaft is the part of an engine which translates reciprocatinglinearpiston motion into rotation.Basically the crankshaft powers the engine. Crankshafts can be monolithic (made in a single piece) or assembled from several pieces. Monolithic crankshafts are most common, but some smaller and larger engines use assembled crankshafts. The different types of crank made in GM Powertrain Talegeon plant are 1. 0 xSDE, 1. 2 BDOHC, 1. 3 xSDE and 1. 4 BDOHC. SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die) is a method for rapidly and efficiently converting a process from running the current product to running the next product. SMED is also often referred to a Quick Changeover.The SMED method can, and often is, used in starting up a process and rapidly getting it to running condition with minimum waste of time. SETUP CHANGE / CHANGEOVER Setup change/ Changeover is preparation, execution of activities in work station which includes hardware changes, sometimes software changes e. g. : locator centres, chuck jaws, steady program calling etc. to produce good to good parts. Change over time is defined as the time difference of the last product produced and the next new product produced with the right quality and at the right speed. The production capacity of a plant is determined by the changeover time.Unless the changeover time is reduced to the bottleneck the production can’t meet the target Production sites with long setup times are characterised by * Low flexibility of the component * Large batch sizes * High levels of stock If we decrease the setup change time then we could use the extra capacity either to increase productivity or to decrease the batch sizes. There are many benefits likereduction in lead time and therefore increased, improved and faster delivery, higher productivity and therefore satisfying customer needs faster, Reduction in working capital, less disturbances etc.SINGLE MINUITE EXCHANGE OF DIE (SMED) The process of changing die is called Single Minute Die Exchange (SMED). Single-Minute Exchange of Die  (SMED) is one of the many  lean production  methods for reducing waste in a manufacturing process. It provides a rapid and efficient way of converting a manufacturing process from running the current product to running the next product. This rapid changeover is the key to reducing production lot sizes and thereby improving flow. The phrase â€Å"single minute† does not mean that all changeovers and start-ups should take only one minute, but that they should take less than 10 minutes.In short it should be a single digit number. The different features of SMED are: * It is a systematic approach that decr eases disturbances and problems * The main factor that can lead to its success are team work & creativity * SMED methods are used for exchange of dies, but it can also be used for cleaning and for maintenance purposes. IMPORTANCE OF REDUCING CHANGEOVER TIME Reducing changeover time is like adding capacity, increasing profitability and can help most manufacturers gain a competitive edge.Image a pit crew changing the tires on a race car. Team members pride themselves on reducing changeover by even tenths of a second because it means that their driver is on the road faster and in a better position to win. The same philosophy applies to manufacturing – the quicker you are producing the next scheduled product, the more competitive you are. Reducing changeover times is a fundamental requirement of any company to take lead over the other in production and maintaining top position.By understanding the principles and practices of the SMED system organisations will be able to cut chang eovers by over 50% with very little expenditure, and to single minutes with the modification of tooling and fastening systems. Single Minute Exchange of Dies can be applied to any changeover operation and aims to reduce the overall downtime for a complete changeover to less than nine minutes. An understanding of the operational benefits to be gained from the fast exchange of tooling. The interaction of a multi-disciplined workforce constructively looking to eliminate waste from the changeover process.How unstable setups can adversely affect subsequent operations and how standard operating procedure can eliminate these concerns. A team approach in understanding the methodology used in applying SMED through theoretical explanation and practical involvement in actual changeovers. SMED IMPLEMENTATION To successfully implement SMED in a system is a difficult task. Therefore to successfully guarantee the implementation of the process, the following steps should be followed closely. STEP 1 – FOCUS * Start by choosing the right equipment to start with. . This is normally a bottle-neck with long set-up times STEP 2 – BUILD THE RIGHT TEAM Work cross-functional. Operators, Technicians, Engineers and Managers should worktogether STEP 3 – MEASURE AND SET GOALS * Visualize the present situation and agree on a common goal STEP 4 – 5S * To succeed you will need a clean and well organized work-place. A 5S implementation is recommended. This process will be explained in detail as we move ahead. STEP 5 – ANALYSIS * Keenly observe the operations and processes. Analyze the present situation video-technique. The different moments are classified as being external or internal and waste or not waste. All known disturbances are listed as well.STEP 6 – SEPARATION BETWEEN INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL MOMENTS * The purpose is to secure that all external set-ups are performed when the machine is running. Use checklists, function controls and improved tran sports. For example collect necessary tools and consumables before the next operation starts up or sharp the tools before activity starts. STEP 7 – ELIMINATION OF WASTE * Measures are carried out to reduce all types of waste. This includes: * Elimination of all need for adjustments. * Exchange of bolts for quick-fasteners. * Standardized parts, tools, dimensions Need for quality control STEP 8 – FOLLOW UP AND IMPROVE * Each changeover should be so planned that it is better and faster than the previous one. Each changeover should be analysed and properly documented which includes suggestion that could make it faster THE 5S SYSTEM â€Å"5S† is a method to create a safer, cleaner, and better-organized workplace. The five S in the process stand for: * SET IN ORDER The principle here is to keep things in their proper places. One guide to proper placement is to keep frequently-used items handy, and store other things where they can be found.In reference to a workplace , it means: At present the tools required for the changeover process are stored in red tool carts and the carts are kept in a specific location for easy access. The tool carts are rolled to the machine where changeover is taking place at the required time. SORT Every tool which is used for a changeover process must be tagged and identified properly. All the operators involved in the changeover must be aware of the location and purpose of the tool. SHINY CLEAN This is the exception – the only one-time activity in the 5S method. This stage has two goals: Determine and gain agreement on the desired level of cleanliness * Learn how to make new routines so this will become standardized STANDARDIZED CLEANUP In this phase consider the sources of dirt: air-borne dust; sawdust or other dry powder from cutting operations; splatter from wet processes; or simple trash because there is no proper container. A practical target is to have all workers take five minutes every day to tidy up af ter themselves – including the time to complete and sign the checklists. Supervisors should monitor compliance with the clean-up. The checklists make this both important and achievable.SUSTAIN This phase is perhaps the most important concept that includes instilled discipline, self-discipline, common cultural values, and self-motivated practice to improve. This step requires continued management support and communication. It brings out the leadership qualities of the employees and also improves their human values too. All these activities should be followed up on a regular basis with full commitment and hard work from all operators as well as managers for SMED to be a success. ACTIVITIES PERFORMED * Understood process of manufacturing crankshaftUnderstood the process of manufacturing crankshaft with the process flow of current status and different machines involved. * Understood activities performed by different machines OP 10:Machine: HELLER * Mill the lengths * Centring * O rbital and hollow milling OP 20:Machine: HELLER * Rough milling of mains/pins incl. * Counter weights and incl. * Rough diameter of mains and pins OP 25:Machine: HELLER * Broaching of mains and journals OP 30:Machine: HELLER * Outer Diameter milling of pins OP 40 (A & B):Machine: NTC * Drill and camphor oil holes OP 50:Machine: ELOTHERM * Washing Hardening (only for xSDE) * Tempering (only for xSDE) OP 60:Machine: HEGENSCHIEDL * Deep rolling * Strengthening OP 70:Machine: NTC * Recenter both ends OP 80:Machine: NILES-SIMMONS * Finish turning * Thrust face and hub outer diameter and post end shoulder * Post process measuring OP 100 (A & B):Machine: LANDIS * Grinding mains and pins OP 110 (A & B):Machine: NTC * Ream index holes * Milling keyway * Machine reluctor ring holes and flange holes OP 120:Machine: ROBOTIC * Brush * Check oil holes OP 140:Machine: LANDIS * Grinding Flange and post ends OP 160:Machine: SCHENK BALANCE Balancing OP 170:Machine: SUP FINA * Polish mains and pins * Thrust face and flange outer diameter (2 stations) OP 180:Machine: FINE TEC * Wash and dry OP 190:Machine: HOMMEL * Final inspection (2 stations) OP 200:Machine: MANUAL * Manual assembly of dowel pin SMED FOR CRANKSHAFT CHANGEOVER My project revolves around the changeover process in the crankshaft line. My project activities can be divided into the following: * Documentation of the changeover process for the entire crankshaft line. * Identified and separated internal and external activities for the changeover process. To define separate activities for different operators. My activity here consists of reducing changeover time. TO REDUCE CHANGEOVER TIME USING SMED TECHNIQUES The steps involved in reducing the changeover tie using this method are: 1. Observe the current methodology 2. Document it appropriately 3. Separate the INTERNAL and EXTERNAL activities. Internal activities are those that can only be performed when the process is stopped, while External activities can be done whil e the last batch is being produced, or once the next batch has started.Make sure it is properly documented. 4. Do most of the activities to be done during the changeover to be done when the previous batch is being done or while the buffer is running. 5. Try to simplify each and every process. 6. The procedure as well as the measures taken to simplify the timings should be well documented and easily accessible. 7. Keep a standard improvement percentage for each new changeover. Teamwork, meaning several operators sharing changeover operations in order to minimize the stop time is also scarce.As changeovers take time, cause productivity loss and carry costs, the temptation is to dilute them in changing less often by launching bigger batches. This policy ends up with higher inventories and lower agility for the production. Documented the current changeover process The machine is usually stopped and all changeover operations happen in sequence, while the machine is stopped. The machine w ill start again only after completion of adjustments and trials. Most often all these operations are done without any standard method nor procedures or checklists.This means the changeover sequence, and hence its duration is related to individual know-how, skills and habits. During this stage: * Agreed on the start and end of the changeover * Observed the changeover * Recorded ALL observations * Organized it and created changeover table * Record times for each element The time required for each individual steps were measured and added to the table for OP 20, OP 25, OP 30 and OP 40. Recorded and organized all observations for OP 20, OP 25, OP 30, OP 40, OP 60, OP 70, OP 80, OP 100 and OP 160 and created a table as follows:Separated INTERNAL and EXTERNAL activities Another important process is separating the internal and external activities performed during changeover. This is a serious procedure which must be done with a lot of care, which will help in the reduction of changeover tim e. During this stage: * Identified whether each step in the changeover is ‘internal’ or ‘external’ * INTERNAL activities are those which can be performed only when the machine is stopped (e. g. : removing or clamping jaws) * EXTERNAL activities are those which can occur while the machine is running (e. g. returning tools to storage after use and bringing new tools to the machine) * Separated each step involved in changeover to internal and external Separated activities for OP 20, OP 25, OP 30, OP 40, OP 60, OP 70, OP 80, OP 100 and OP 160 and added in the same table. Different external activities consist of: * Having everything prepared before stopping the machine (checklists) * Any preheating, pre-cleaning, presetting that could be completed * Standardizing changeover parts with attachments/improvements to help speed up centering and securing * Cleaning and keeping new changeover parts to be changedDefined activities for both team members During the next p hase of the project, I defined activities for both the team members involved in the changeover, i. e. the steps that must be performed by first operator and second operator were classified. The thought of parallel operations leads mainly to the following features: * Two or more people doing different jobs at the same time (e. g. : while first operator removing tool, second one bringing tool trolley in position in case of OP 20) Two people working together on one operation (e. g. : Both the operators changing over OP 40 A and OP 40 B simultaneously Others * Recorded the different tools and the auxillary equipments required to complete the changeeover * The different tools used in every step of changeover were noted down. * Bolt size of different allen screws were recorded * Auxillary equipments needed such as torque wrench, ratchet etc. were added in the same tabe * Organized changeover parts in the part trolleyAs part of the implementation of 5S system, inorder to reduce the part se arching time, each and every part involved in the changeover process were photographed. These photos were stick inside the machine tool trolley and hence the part searching time was reduced. * Improving location labeling to make items easier to find * Organized changeover parts in part trolley with photos having part number and part name on them * Hence reducing the time required for accessing the correct part * Deskilling and avoiding confusion SAMPLE PICTURE * The photographs were stick inside the tool trolley For different models, differents racks were provided so as to avoid confusion * In one rack, the space wasseparated inorder to fit to all the parts to be changed over All the above processes helped in reducing the part searching time and also worked as an alternate checklist. Also created a chelist of different parts to be changed for different operations. * Measured changeover time by station * Plotted graph with comparison of actual time taken by station for changeover to simulation * Plotted graph for total time taken for changeover for OP 20 to OP 180 Plotted graph for time taken to changeover from model 1. 0 to 1. 2 for OP 20 to OP 180 * Plotted graph for time taken to changeover from model 1. 0 to 1. 2 for OP 20 to OP 180 Suggestions * Providing power tool for all loosening and tightening processes instead of Allen key * Power tool will reduce about: 15 min for OP 20 3 min for OP 25 9 min for OP 30 * OP 40 * Changeover both OP 40 A and OP 40 B simultaneously * Reduce machine lockout time by making bed flush valve in action which was not noticed earlier * Hence solved problem of chips getting stuck in burr OP 60 * Get power tool * Change the tool tray (boxes) in which rollers are placed * Arrange rollers in boxes in same order that they are to be used * Stick colour codes on box also * Make arrangement loosen minimum number of bolts and adjust measuring probe * Provide power tool for OP 80 will reduce approximately 4 min * OP 160 * Provide a plast ic kit (box) with separations which can be taken and placed inside the machine through the side door which makes the operator not to lean in and out of machine each and every time * Bearing seal on the extreme is not used for 1. xSDE which is not required to be mounted * OP 10, OP 50, OP 70, OP 100, OP 110, OP 120 and OP 180 are already changed over in time or about time CONCLUSION At the end of the project, I was able to understand process of manufacturing crankshaft, different machines used in crank line and their uses, what is changeover and its use in the plant, advantages and disadvantages of changeover and importance of reducing changeover time. As a preliminary step to the project, I studied the basic idea of SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die) and 5S techniques.Found out how SMED techniques can be used to reduce changeover time. During the project, I documented the whole process step by step for changeover for OP 20, OP 25, OP 30, OP 40, OP 60, OP 70, OP 80, OP 100 and OP 1 60. Organized these steps and created a changeover procedure table. Defined activities for both the team members involved in the changeover in the same table. Separated internal and external activities occurring during changeover and marked it in the changeover procedure table. Time taken for each step in the same table was also recorded (for OP 20, OP 25, OP 30 and OP 40).Reduced machine lockout time for OP 40 by making bed flush valve in action which was not noticed earlier and hence solved the problem of chips getting stuck in the burr and making the cleaning process long and difficult. The changeover parts in the part trolley were organized with the help of photos having part number and part name. Measured changeover time by station and plotted graphs: * Comparison of actual time taken by station for changeover with simulation time (For OP 20 to OP 180 for last 7 changeovers) * Total time taken for changeover by stations For OP 20 to OP 180 for last 7 changeovers) * Time taken f or changing over from 1. 0 xSDE to 1. 2 BDOHC (For OP 20 to OP 180 for last 4 changeovers) * Time taken for changing over from 1. 2 BDOHC to 1. 0 xSDE (For OP 20 to OP 180 for last 5 changeovers) Updated crank changeover board to reflect current by updating different graphs required and action plan. The process to implement continuous improvement on shop floor was understood and perfected. Different steps to decrease the time taken for changeover process and to bring it under OEM specified timing was suggested.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Notes to; Food with Feeling by Nicola Barker Essays

Notes to; Food with Feeling by Nicola Barker Essays Notes to; Food with Feeling by Nicola Barker Paper Notes to; Food with Feeling by Nicola Barker Paper This story is about a little family; mom, Anne Marie, dad, Steve and child, Finn. Anne Marie is pregnant and the only things she do (what we read in the story) is to bake every Sunday. She hates it. She is doing it to feed the family and to be the good house mom and because she hopes that it might bring the home some homely. Steve is working a lot and is not being honest with Anne Marie. Little Finn is saying that her moms food seems to be angry, it tastes very bitter and frosty bit it too sugary and full of air. After that every meal got a feeling -often a bad feeling, because she hated it; to bake. One Sunday evening for dinner, Steve is saying that he dont want the baby and that he is tired of her cooking. Anne Marie gets quiet and go cleaning up. -Anne Marie compare baking with her baby, she says: maybe the baby Is the truth. I wanted the baby because I wanted to find out the truth about everything She Is trying to figure out what is going on -between her and her husband, her daughter, her child and her new baby. She wants to know and tell the truth. She Is trying so radar to be a good mom, but she chant only Just bake to make It good. -Steve has to accept her and first of all be honest with her. He might not love her anymore and same with her: she doesnt love him anymore. She Is tired of herself, the baby and the baking. At the end she says: l want to tell you the truth, and the truth hurts. She Is now ready to play all her cards, she will not held anything anymore. The baking make Anne Marble get out with all her frustrations and feeling. She cooks with feeling and passion; It doesnt always has to be a good feeling; In this case Its a bad feeling dying It.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Constructing the Empire State Building

Constructing the Empire State Building Ever since it was built, the Empire State Building has captured the attention of young and old alike.  Every year, millions of tourists flock to the Empire State Building to get a glimpse from its 86th and 102nd-floor observatories. The image of the Empire State Building has appeared in hundreds of ads and movies. Who can forget King Kongs climb to the top or the romantic meeting in An Affair to Remember and Sleepless in Seattle?  Countless toys, models, postcards, ashtrays, and thimbles bear the image if not the shape of the towering Art Deco building. Why does the Empire State Building appeal to so many? When the Empire State Building opened on May 1, 1931, it was the tallest building in the world - standing at 1,250 feet tall. This building not only became an icon of New York City, but it also became a symbol of twentieth-century mans attempts to achieve the impossible. The Race to the Sky When the Eiffel Tower (984 feet) was built in 1889 in Paris,  it  taunted American architects to build something taller. By the early twentieth century, a skyscraper race was on. By 1909 the Metropolitan Life Tower rose 700 feet (50 stories), quickly followed by the Woolworth Building in 1913 at 792 feet (57 stories), and soon surpassed by the Bank of Manhattan Building in 1929 at 927 feet (71 stories). When John Jakob Raskob (previously a vice president of General Motors) decided to join in the skyscraper race, Walter Chrysler (founder of the Chrysler Corporation) was constructing a monumental building, the height of which he was keeping secret until the buildings completion. Not knowing exactly what height he had to beat, Raskob started construction on his own building. In 1929, Raskob and his partners bought a parcel of property at 34th Street and Fifth Avenue for their new skyscraper. On this property sat the glamorous Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Since the property on which the hotel was located had become extremely valuable, the owners of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel decided to sell the property and build a new hotel on Park Avenue (between 49th and 50th Streets). Raskob was able to purchase the site for approximately $16 million. The Plan to Build the Empire State Building After deciding on and obtaining a site for the skyscraper, Raskob needed a plan. Raskob hired Shreve, Lamb Harmon to be the architects for his new building. It is said that Raskob pulled a thick pencil out of a drawer and held it up to William Lamb and asked, Bill, how high can you make it so that it wont fall down?1 Lamb got started planning right away. Soon, he had a plan: The logic of the plan is very simple. A certain amount of space in the center, arranged as compactly as possible, contains the vertical circulation, mail chutes, toilets, shafts and corridors. Surrounding this is a perimeter of office space 28 feet deep. The sizes of the floors diminish as the elevators decrease in number. In essence, there is a pyramid of non-rentable space surrounded by a greater pyramid of rentable space. 2 But was the plan high enough to make the Empire State Building the tallest in the world? Hamilton Weber, the original rental manager, describes the worry: We thought we would be the tallest at 80 stories. Then the Chrysler went higher, so we lifted the Empire State to 85 stories, but only four feet taller than the Chrysler. Raskob was worried that Walter Chrysler would pull a trick - like hiding a rod in the spire and then sticking it up at the last minute. 3 The race was getting very competitive. With the thought of wanting to make the Empire State Building higher, Raskob himself came up with the solution. After examining a scale model of the proposed building, Raskob said, It needs a hat!4 Looking toward the future, Raskob decided that the hat would be used as a docking station for dirigibles. The new design for the Empire State Building, including the dirigible mooring mast, would make the building 1,250 tall (the Chrysler Building was completed at 1,046 feet with 77 stories). Who Was Going to Build It Planning the tallest building in the world was only half the battle; they still had to build the towering structure and the quicker the better. For the sooner the building was completed, the sooner it could bring in income. As part of their bid to get the job, builders Starrett Bros. Eken told Raskob that they could get the job done in eighteen months. When asked during the interview how much equipment they had on hand, Paul Starrett replied, Not a blankety-blank [sic] thing. Not even a pick and shovel. Starrett was sure that other builders trying to get the job had assured Raskob and his partners that they had plenty of equipment and what they didnt have they would rent. Yet Starrett explained his statement: Gentlemen, this building of yours is going to represent unusual problems. Ordinary building equipment wont be worth a damn on it. Well buy new stuff, fitted for the job, and at the end sell it and credit you with the difference. Thats what we do on every big project. It costs less than renting secondhand stuff, and its more efficient.5 Their honesty, quality, and swiftness won them the bid. With such an extremely tight schedule, Starrett Bros. Eken started planning immediately. Over sixty different trades would need to be hired, supplies would need to be ordered (much of it to specifications because it was such a large job), and time needed to be minutely planned. The companies they hired had to be dependable and be able to follow through with quality work within the allotted timetable. The supplies had to be made at the plants with as little work as possible needed at the site. Time was scheduled so that each section of the building process overlapped - timing was essential. Not a minute, an hour, or a day was to be wasted. Demolishing Glamor The first section of the construction timetable was the demolition of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. When the public heard that the hotel was to be torn down, thousands of people sent requests for mementos from the building. One man from Iowa wrote asking for the Fifth Avenue side iron railing fence. A couple requested the key to the room they had occupied on their honeymoon. Others wanted the flagpole, the stained-glass windows, the fireplaces, light fixtures, bricks, etc. Hotel management held an auction for many items they thought might be wanted.6 The rest of the hotel was torn down, piece by piece. Though some of the materials were sold for reuse  and  others were given  away for kindling, the bulk of the debris was hauled to a dock, loaded onto barges, and then dumped fifteen miles into the Atlantic Ocean. Even before the demolition of the Waldorf-Astoria was complete, excavation for the new building was begun. Two shifts of 300 men worked day and night to dig through the hard rock in order to make a foundation. Raising the Steel Skeleton of the Empire State Building The steel skeleton was built next, with work beginning on March 17, 1930. Two-hundred and ten steel columns made up the vertical frame. Twelve of these ran the entire height of the building (not including the mooring mast). Other sections ranged from six to eight stories in length. The steel girders could not be raised more than 30 stories at a time, so several large cranes (derricks) were used to pass the girders up to the higher floors. Passersby would stop to gaze upward at the workers as they placed the girders together. Often, crowds formed to watch the work. Harold Butcher, a correspondent for Londons  Daily Herald  described the workers as right there in the flesh, outwardly prosaic, incredibly nonchalant, crawling, climbing, walking, swinging, swooping on gigantic steel frames.7 The riveters were just as fascinating to watch, if not more so. They worked in teams of four: the heater (passer), the catcher, the bucker-up, and the gunman. The heater placed about ten rivets into the fiery forge. Then once they were red-hot, he would use a pair of three-foot tongs to take out a rivet and toss it - often 50 to 75 feet - to the catcher. The catcher used an old paint can (some had started to use a new  catching  can  made  specifically for the purpose) to catch the still red-hot rivet. With the catchers other hand, he would use tongs to remove the rivet from the can, knock it against a beam to remove any cinders, then place the rivet into one of the holes in a beam. The bucker-up would support the rivet while the gunman would hit the head of the rivet with a riveting hammer (powered by compressed air),  shoving  the rivet into the girder where it would fuse together. These men worked all the way from the bottom floor to the 102nd floor, over a thousand fe et up. When the workers finished placing the steel, a massive cheer rose up with hats  waiving  and a flag raised. The very last rivet was ceremoniously placed - it was solid gold. Lots  of Coordination The construction of the rest of the Empire State Building was a model of efficiency. A railway was built at the construction site to move materials quickly. Since each railway car (a cart pushed by people) held eight times more than a wheelbarrow, the materials were moved with less effort. The builders innovated in ways that saved time, money, and manpower. Instead of having the ten million bricks needed for construction dumped in the street as was usual for construction, Starrett had trucks dump the bricks down a chute which led to a hopper in the basement. When needed, the bricks would be released from the hopper, thus dropped into carts which were hoisted up to the appropriate floor. This process eliminated the need to close down streets for brick storage as well as eliminated much back-breaking labor of moving the bricks from the pile to the bricklayer via wheelbarrows.9 While the outside of the building was being constructed, electricians and plumbers began installing the internal necessities of the building.  The timing  for each trade to start working was finely tuned. As Richmond Shreve described: When we were in full swing going up the main tower, things clicked with such precision that once we erected fourteen and a half floors in ten working days - steel, concrete, stone and all. We always thought of it as a parade in which each marcher kept pace and the parade marched out of the top of the building, still in perfect step. Sometimes we thought of it as a great assembly line - only the assembly line did the moving; the finished product stayed in place.10 The Empire State Building Elevators Have you ever stood  waiting  in a ten - or even a six-story building for an elevator  that seemed to take forever? Or have you ever gotten into an elevator and it took forever to get to your floor because the elevator had to stop at every floor to let someone on or off? The Empire State Building was going to have 102 floors and expected to have 15,000 people in the building. How would people get to the top floors without waiting hours for the elevator or climbing the stairs? To help with this problem, the architects created seven banks of elevators, with each servicing a portion of the floors. For instance, Bank A serviced the third through seventh floors while Bank B serviced the seventh through 18th floors. This way, if you needed to get to the 65th floor, for example, you could take an elevator from Bank F and only have possible stops from the 55th floor to the 67th floor, rather than from the first floor to the 102nd. Making the elevators  faster was another solution. The Otis Elevator Company installed 58 passenger elevators and eight service elevators in the Empire State Building. Though these elevators could travel up to 1,200 feet per minute, the building code restricted the speed to only 700 feet per minute based on older models of elevators. The builders took a chance, installed the faster (and more expensive) elevators (running them at the slower speed) and hoped that the building code would soon change. A month after the Empire State Building was opened, the building code was changed to 1,200 feet per minute and the elevators in the Empire State Building were sped up. The Empire State Building Is Finished! The entire Empire State Building was constructed in just one year and 45 days - an amazing feat! The Empire State Building came in on time and under budget. Because the  Great Depression  significantly lowered labor costs, the cost of the building was only $40,948,900 (below the $50 million expected price tag). The Empire State Building officially opened on May 1,  1931, to a lot of fanfare. A ribbon was cut, Mayor Jimmy Walker gave a speech, and President  Herbert Hoover  lit up the tower with a push of a button. The Empire State Building had become the tallest building in the world and would keep that record until the completion of the World Trade Center in New York City in 1972. Notes Jonathan Goldman,  The Empire State Building Book  (New York: St. Martins Press, 1980) 30.William Lamb as quoted in Goldman,  Book  31 and John Tauranac,  The Empire State Building: The Making of a Landmark  (New York: Scribner, 1995) 156.Hamilton Weber as quoted in Goldman,  Book  31-32.Goldman,  Book  32.Tauranac,  Landmark  176.Tauranac,  Landmark  201.Tauranac,  Landmark  208-209.Tauranac,  Landmark  213.Tauranac,  Landmark  215-216.Richmond Shreve as quoted in Tauranac,  Landmark  204. Bibliography Goldman, Jonathan.  The Empire State Building Book. New York: St. Martins Press, 1980.Tauranac, John.  The Empire State Building: The Making of a Landmark. New York: Scribner, 1995.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Plea Bargain Stage of a Criminal Case

The Plea Bargain Stage of a Criminal Case Due to the overburdened criminal justice system, the vast majority of  criminal cases  are settled through a process known as plea bargaining. In a plea bargain agreement, the defendant agrees to plead guilty rather than proceeding to a jury trial. When Does Plea Bargaining Occur? In a plea bargain deal, both sides gain something from the arrangement. The prosecution gains a conviction without the time and expense of a trial, while the defendant might get a reduced sentence or have some of the charges against them dropped. In some cases (for example, the Jaycee Dugard case), the prosecution will offer a plea deal so the victim does not have to go through the drama and stress of testifying at a trial. Factors Influencing a Plea Deal Whether or not the prosecution and defense agree to enter into plea bargain negotiations depend on several factors: The seriousness of the  crime itself.The strength of the evidence against the defendant.The likelihood of a guilty verdict at trial. Criminal Court Dockets Overwhelmed If the charge is very serious and the evidence against the defendant is very strong, as in the first-degree murder case against Casey Anthony, for example, the prosecution can refuse to enter into any plea deal. However, if the evidence in a case is such that the prosecution might find it difficult to convince a juror beyond a reasonable doubt, the prosecution may be willing to negotiate a plea deal. The reason the average criminal case is settled by a plea bargain is because of the overwhelming caseload facing the court system. Only about 10 percent of criminal cases go to trial. Reduced Charges, Reduced Sentence For a guilty defendant, the advantages to a plea bargain are obvious: either reduced charges or a reduced sentence. Sometimes, a plea deal can reduce a felony charge to a misdemeanor, a significant difference for the defendant. Many plea deals have resulted in a reduced sentence for the defendant. One hitch in the plea bargain system is the fact that the judge in the case does not have to accept it. The prosecution can only recommend the agreement to the judge, but cannot guarantee that the judge will follow it. Bargaining Prohibited in Some Cases Also, some states have passed laws prohibiting plea bargaining in certain cases. Some states will not allow a drunk driving charge to be bargained down to reckless driving, for example. Other states prohibit plea bargains for sex offenders or repeat offenders who may be considered to be a danger to the public. The plea bargain itself usually takes place between the prosecutors office and the defense attorney. Rarely do prosecutors bargain directly with defendants. Victims Considered in Plea Bargains For a plea bargain to be accepted, the defendant has to knowingly waive his right to a trial by jury and the facts in the case have to support the charges to which the defendant is pleading. Some states have victims rights laws that require a prosecutor to discuss the terms of any plea deal with the victim of the crime before making the offer to the defendant.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Exam 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Exam 2 - Essay Example This theoretical model posits that all these forms of bias bear monetary cost that result in lowering the wage level for women even where women and men have the same productive capacity. Statistical discrimination theory refers to the use of statistics – real or assumed – by employers to predict the behavior of a particular group of people and therefore use it as a basis to judge their capabilities, worth, employability and so on. For example an employer could judge the individual woman on the basis of their beliefs about what women do on â€Å"average† (Blau, Ferber, and Winkler 218). The overcrowding model proposes that labor market discrimination results when particular groups â€Å"crowd† to particular jobs either as preference or out of lack of alternatives which results in an oversupply of labor for the few jobs available. Here, the market law of demand and supply makes that group disadvantaged in terms of wages. Finally, the institutional model states that discrimination arises from rigid, internal institutional structures and execution of normal everyday operations of the firm. The institutional model advances that organizations have primary / core jobs and secondary / non-core jobs which offer different levels of growth, benefits and so on. Thus the tract within which an individual starts her career, under the normal company policies, ends up affecting her career progression, wages and benefits and so on (Blau, Ferber, and Winkler 223). The major pieces of legislation enacted in the U.S. to tackle labor market discrimination are the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 focused on eliminating wage discrimination for the same job in the same firm and did not address discrimination in hiring, promotion, training programs, and so on. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was more

Friday, October 18, 2019

Customer relationship marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Customer relationship marketing - Essay Example More and more business organizations are capitalizing and putting their major efforts on building and maintaining strong customer relationship mainly to gain highly useful and valuable information on how can they best serve their customers and keep them loyal. Relationship: A strategic Initiative ‘Strategy’ is a very common buzzword in the business filed. Large number of businesses find success with their strategy where as many turn out of the business due to in-efficient strategies. Strategies have been playing extremely significant roles in marketing in recent years. It can be argued that relationship marketing seems to be the central point of all other management strategies because no other strategies can bring success unless there is ‘better relationship’ with customers. More specifically, Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management and Knowledge Management are some of the widely applied management strategies and these can turn to be in-effective i f the firm failed to build better relation with its customers. The older profit maximization, product orientation and transaction-based marketing concepts have been questioned and thence faded away and newer concepts of Customer Relationship Marketing has gained considerable place in marketing landscape. It eventually resulted a shift from the profit orientation to the concept of consumerism. Consumer has been placed to be ‘king’ or ‘boss’ in the market and this is often termed as a change from in-out approach to the ‘out-in’ approach. Most industries, service sectors like hospitality in particular, in very recent days give extreme importance to building and maintaining ‘consumer loyalty’. Relationship marketing is basically a stronger strategy to create customer loyalty. ‘Value creation’, ‘customer loyalty’ and ‘relationship marketing’ are more inter-related terms in marketing, because relati onship marketing and its tools have been found to help achieve customer loyalty by creating and adding values to the customers. Customers are better satisfied only when they find expected values from the products or services they consume and this in turn lead them become loyal customers. When it comes to the strategy perception, the marketing management focuses on retaining customers and make them their loyal customers. A vision to generate profits or increase production or compete with others through any possible measures is not exactly what a business is expected to have. Instead, production, competition and what ever a business does must be intended and able to satisfy its potential customers, give them the expected quality, values and reasonable standards, keep good relation with them in a way that they are treated as most valued ‘stakes’. Relationship marketing undertakes to know how to provide values to the customers. Empirical evidences show that 20 percent of th e customers bring in 80 or more percent of the profits for a business and therefore companies find relationship marketing as a key element to attaining reasonable profits that can help them survive in the business. Finding new consumers is often more expensive than retaining the existing consumers and converting them to ‘

Directors responsibilities with regard to avoidance of tax Assignment

Directors responsibilities with regard to avoidance of tax - Assignment Example The firm accepts that the government has legal powers and can to take a share of the company’s profits away. Different countries have different tax rates and they must they paid as they are part of the rules and regulations of the country. If they are avoided they company would not be held socially responsible. It is agreed that the company can take all lawful measures to reduce the tax rates. But any illegal mean to avoid paying tax would result in avoid of taxes which has a negative multiplier effect on the company and its profitability. The duty of the director of a company is to have a good faith; an element that would promote the company following corporate social responsibility as it would be a benefit for the society on a whole. This would result in a positive multiplier effect in the long run and improve its relations with other stakeholders. A good reputation would be built if they pay the exact amount of tax otherwise they would not maintain a high standard of reputa tion in the market, thereby losing its credibility and goodwill. Tax evasion is practiced by directors illegally and it gives a smudge to the reputation of the company as a whole. But they live in a fool’s paradise if thy think it would not be known to general population and from that immature act they lose their credibility forever. This leads to customers driving away from the company as well. Recently, some multi-nationals have been found to be avoiding paying taxes in millions despite their enormous sales. The examples are Starbucks, Google, Amazon, Facebook and eBay but due to media coverage these multi-nationals have come under severe scrutiny. In countries like UK, businesses prosper because they have portrayed a good social and responsible image for its customers and there is a trust factor. They do this by not providing transparency in the accounts shared by the public. Via doing such an act they are on the verge of becoming directors of an insolvent firm. This would be a threat to the company’s long term profitability. Thus the directors must understand that taxes are a form of cost just like wages, rent, etc. LEGAL OBLIGATIONS ON COMPANY DIRECTORS IMPOSED THROUGH DIRECTORS’ DUTIES It is a natural phenomena in the modern world that governments run on the taxes paid by it’s citizens.1 The expenditures of a state have to be met by the taxes paid. The companies earning more have a bigger share in taxes than the ones earning less. The issue arises when multi-nationals earning in billions use legal strategies to avoid paying taxes. Having made legal grounds to undertake this, their action cannot be termed illegal and they cannot be held accountable in court.2 Such cases have recently come on the scene, thanks to the media reporting, but what can be done about it is still an issue. A director is a high-level employee of the company and is responsible for the company’s performance and answerable to it’s employer, th at is, the company. A director is not dutiful to the members of that company, and this also leaves out the company’s creditors and members. So, a director owes its trust element to the company only and this is determined by

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Learning and Instruction Part 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Learning and Instruction Part 2 - Assignment Example asks; (c) knowledge about strategies and tactics for acquiring, integrating, applying, and thinking about new learning; (d) prior content knowledge; and (e) knowledge of both present and future contexts in which the knowledge could be useful. Hence, my style of teaching would be constructivist with these learners as opposed to direct with novice learners. As McKeachie would have liked to put it, Strategic teaching and Strategic learning are like â€Å"flip sides† of a coin. Hence, the idea of strategic teaching must be closely aligned with that of strategic learning and the process is a two-way street where the instructor must orient his or her teaching strategies based on the level of education and prior knowledge of the student. Most interventions designed to increase either the effectiveness or efficiency of training focus on instructional materials, methods, and teaching strategies. A critical component that is often ignored in most of these approaches is the degree to which the individual is ready and able to interact with the instruction in ways that will result in meaningful and enduring learning. Q2) TEACHING LARGE CLASSES: Although people teaching large classes often try to avoid multiple-choice/ true-false tests, it has been found that such efforts seem to be appreciated by almost no one. Although researchers may criticize the limitations of anything other than essay tests, they usually are willing to accept an alternative if more than fifty students are involved. When teaching large classes, it has been found to be useful to make sure that the lectures contain enough material not covered in the supporting text to make it worthwhile for students to attend lectures. QUESTIONING: In his research McKeachie found that effective methods of questioning were usually those that succeeded specific instructions from the teacher. For instance, the line, â€Å"please state your explanation as to how you arrived at your particular answer† provided students and

Repealing National Prohibition in the USA Term Paper

Repealing National Prohibition in the USA - Term Paper Example However, this was not the first time that alcohol was under prohibition in America. The state of Maine was the first state in America to prohibit alcohol; this was far back in the 1850s3. The law made it illegal to possess, manufacture, distribute, consume, advertise, give, or remove alcohol or alcohol-based recipes from a residence or business premise4. The main group that facilitated the implementation of the prohibition was the Anti Saloon League (ASL), a powerful organization that had the support of a majority of the members of the Congress5. People who formulated the law thought that the law would help in reducing the vices in the society, which were associated with alcohol; however, the law elicited widespread debate on the subject. Among the people who were actively involved in the debate were the women who formed two opposing groups. One of the groups, women Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), advocated for the prohibition whereas another group, the Women Organization for Nati onal Prohibition Repeal (WONPR), was against the prohibition6. The main reason that led to the formation of organizations, which were against the prohibition, was that prohibition had led to a significant increase in crime. In addition, prohibition turned people who were previously law-abiding citizens to become criminals7. In addition, prohibition threatened to lead to the moral disintegration of the American society as the people who were supposed to enforce the law were under implication several times in corruption scandals8. Apart from the effects, the prohibition had on the crime rates it also negatively affected several sectors of the economy, which used to provide the livelihoods of millions of America either directly or indirectly. One of the sectors under great impact was the wine industry9. Therefore, for the successful implementation, the government should have first tries to build a consensus and evaluate the effects of the prohibition instead of forcing it down on peopl e10. Annotated Bibliography Behr, Edward. Prohibition: thirteen years that changed America. NY: Arcade Publishing, Inc. 1996. The book offers a comprehensive study of the prohibition of alcohol. It tries to devise reasons that may have brought about certain people to advocate for prohibition strongly. Throughout the book, the author uses temperance to explain why a certain group of people, notably, the Anti-Saloon League (ASL), successfully used temperance to show why alcohol should confront prohibition. In the book, the author tries to analyze the propaganda spread by the ASL to impose fines on certain alcohol manufacturers. The ASL sometimes played the racial cards and tried to capture the American’s hatred towards the Germans to help in the advancement of its goals of imposing prohibition. The author develops the story by showing how â€Å"the good creature of God,† (referring to alcohol) has been an integral part of America. The author even states that the founding president of America, George Washington used to spend huge sums of money on alcohol. By considering these various prominent parties, which were involved and affected, the author is able to paint a more vivid picture of this era.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Learning and Instruction Part 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Learning and Instruction Part 2 - Assignment Example asks; (c) knowledge about strategies and tactics for acquiring, integrating, applying, and thinking about new learning; (d) prior content knowledge; and (e) knowledge of both present and future contexts in which the knowledge could be useful. Hence, my style of teaching would be constructivist with these learners as opposed to direct with novice learners. As McKeachie would have liked to put it, Strategic teaching and Strategic learning are like â€Å"flip sides† of a coin. Hence, the idea of strategic teaching must be closely aligned with that of strategic learning and the process is a two-way street where the instructor must orient his or her teaching strategies based on the level of education and prior knowledge of the student. Most interventions designed to increase either the effectiveness or efficiency of training focus on instructional materials, methods, and teaching strategies. A critical component that is often ignored in most of these approaches is the degree to which the individual is ready and able to interact with the instruction in ways that will result in meaningful and enduring learning. Q2) TEACHING LARGE CLASSES: Although people teaching large classes often try to avoid multiple-choice/ true-false tests, it has been found that such efforts seem to be appreciated by almost no one. Although researchers may criticize the limitations of anything other than essay tests, they usually are willing to accept an alternative if more than fifty students are involved. When teaching large classes, it has been found to be useful to make sure that the lectures contain enough material not covered in the supporting text to make it worthwhile for students to attend lectures. QUESTIONING: In his research McKeachie found that effective methods of questioning were usually those that succeeded specific instructions from the teacher. For instance, the line, â€Å"please state your explanation as to how you arrived at your particular answer† provided students and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Internal weaknesses that impacted the Islamic Societies during the Essay

Internal weaknesses that impacted the Islamic Societies during the Crudades and Mongol Wars - Essay Example Even though the early crusades were named and were quite successful in realizing the desired objectives, majority of the crusades that took place in the later years were ineffective and thus they were defeated by their counterparts, the Muslims. The Mongols on the other hand invaded Muslim land in the thirteenth century. They moved from one Islamic region to another slaughtering all the Muslims they came across. In just a single city, they slaughtered almost 2 million people. Such had immense effect on the locals in terms of their political power, economy, social life, culture, religion and population as explored in this paper. Soldiers in hundreds of thousands became crusaders through taking of vows, with the Pope granting these soldiers Plenary Indulgence. The emblem of the soldiers in the war was a cross, as the term crusade was derived from a French phrase, â€Å"taking the cross†. Most of the crusaders were from France, calling themselves ‘Franks’ that eventually became a common term among the Muslims. By this time, Christianity was yet to divide into large numbers of intermingled geographical regions which later formed the eastern churches of Byzantine Orthodox and the Western Roman Catholic. The Crusaders just considered themselves as Christians but not as Muslims. They had immense impact on Middle East, and particularly to Islamic religion. Crusades Background Among the powers that medieval popes had was the ability of requesting the kings and monarchs to be provided with troops as well as money to facilitate what they deemed as holy wars, such as the Crusades. The Crusades were fought because of geopolitical, economic and religious conflicts between the Muslims and the Christians.3 The spark for the initial Crusade came in year 1095, at the time when the Byzantines within the European Christians for military assistance against Turks, and Seljuk who had recently captured the city of Jerusalem. In order to increase their chances of receiving more aid, Byzantines exaggerated the rumors of Holy Land atrocities from the Turkish people. Pope Urban II immediately responded by summoning of the Council of Clermont, calling upon the European Catholics knights to recapture the city of Jerusalem because of the religious value that they placed to the Holy Land. In 1096, an army of Crusaders traveled headed to the Middle East through Constantinople, fighting the Muslim forces that they encountered along the way. The army reached Jerusalem two years later, 1099. They placed the city under siege, and they butchered almost every single Jew and Muslim within the walls of th e City. In the process, the Crusaders massacred a significant number of Christians whom were mistaken for Muslims. Because of lack of unity among the Jews, Turks and Muslims, they suffered immense loss and defeat from the Crusaders.4 Crusades in Islamic Society Much of the most important works of histories of crusades are being published and the settlements that have been established within their wake are concerned with the 13th and the 14th Centuries, while the great vistas are providing an opening in the sixteenth centuries.5 The Crusades, which were launched upon the holy land of Middle East from Urban II Speech that took place in 1095 at the Council of Cl

Civil Engineering Essay Example for Free

Civil Engineering Essay Introduction This research aims to identify and highlight the career opportunities awaiting fresh graduates of civil engineering. This research further aims to look at the specific jobs that are available for them, amount of work load, basic salaries and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of particular choice of specialized civil engineering practice such as structural, water resources, environmental, construction, transportation and geo-technical engineering, among others. Statement of the Problem With the wide variety of specialized practice of civil engineering, newly graduated civil engineers need to be aware of the requirements of each specialization and fully understand the other details of the job. Being fresh from the realms of the academe, these fresh civil engineering graduates need to be guided accordingly as they ready to join the civil engineering workforce. Presenting the result of this study will help them evaluate their specific areas of interest within the bounds of the civil engineering career and will enable them to make an intelligent choice as to what career they really want to pursue. Proposed Solution This study will employ in-depth analysis of the career opportunities and choices available for civil engineering graduates. As such, specialized civil engineering fields will be identified and explained, the likeability that a new graduate will pursue a specific field will be determined and the factors that should be considered in choosing a specific career path. Methods In order to address the research problem, the researcher will employ quantitative and qualitative research method which is designed to complement each other’s findings. Respondents of the research will be practicing civil engineers. Using the qualitative research design, the researcher will conduct a survey to compare factors such as the specialized field where civil engineers usually get for their first job and the basic salary offer for an entry level position. The qualitative research design will include in-depth interviews of practitioners on the specifics of their jobs, the factors that should be considered in choosing a line of practice and other pertinent information about the field based on their experience. Conclusion This research aims to help fresh civil engineering graduates in making a decision of which career path to pursue after college by presenting the choices available for them along with the considerations and factors that might affect their decision. First hand data will be gathered through survey and interview of practicing civil engineers specialized in different fields to get information based on their experience.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Development Of Victimology Criminology Essay

The Development Of Victimology Criminology Essay This paper will explain and evaluate the development of victimology as a field of study, focusing on victimology within England and Wales. Firstly, it will define the concept of victimology, and the victim before explaining the origins of the study. The development of victimology will then be evaluated, focusing firstly on the concept of the victim and then upon more general issues. This paper will discuss the impact of these issues on the success of victimologys development, but will conclude by acknowledging the potential strength of the continual development of victimology as a field of study. As a concept, victimology is difficult to universally define, due to the fact that different people define victimology in varying ways. At best, one can only forward a broad definition of victimology and acknowledge that other definitions do exist. As a recently developed sub-discipline of criminology victimology focuses equally on victims as it does on crime (Dignan, 2005:31). Within victimology, the victims experience, events leading to victimisations, victimisations themselves and the response of society and organisations to victimisations are all studied (Dussich, 2006:116). To clarify, victimology studies events where persons, institutions or communities are significantly injured or damaged (Dussich, 2006:116). In an academic sense, the term victimology is translated as a system of knowledge of victims (Dussich, 2006 : 116). To add, according to the Crown Prosecution Service (2001), a victim is defined as a person who has complained of the commission of an offence against themse lves or their property; this can include bereaved relatives, alongside parents or careers and small businesses. Kearon Godfrey (2007) explain that in the past, victims have been central to the processes of justice. There would have been little recorded crime before the end of the 19th century if it wasnt for the activity of victims. To illustrate, in Anglo-Saxon times, courts dealt with complaints brought directly by victims against the perpetrator which often resulted in financial compensation paid from the perpetrator to the victim (KearonGodrey,2007:6-7). The concept of the victim will be discussed in more detail later in this paper. Preceding this will be the overview of the origins of victimology, exploring in particular three criminological categories that underline victimology. It is often said that the origin of victimology lies in the hands of Mendelsohn and Von Hendig (Walklate:2007b:15). Von Hendig describes victims as having crime provocative functions, in other words, having proneness to crime (Hendig,1967:450), but Mendelsohn describes victims in terms of their culpability or responsibility for their victimisation (Marsh,2004:105). Mendelsohn and Von Hendig together explore criminological and philosophical aspects in relation to crime and victims, and despite their differences, both theorists have influenced victimology and are linked specifically to positivist victimology (Marsh, 2004:104). The positivist position links with the theories that underline victimology. Goodey (2005) claims that embedded in victimology are three categories of victimology that are based in criminology, in which she attributes to Walklate and Mawby. Firstly, there is the positivist position of which proposes the scientific nature of victimology; it defines victimisation according to the criminal law and is twinned with the idea of blaming the victim, or victim culpability (Goodey, 2005:93). Secondly, there exists the radical position which concentrates more on human rights (particularly the rights of victims) than on the scientific nature of victimology (Goodey, 2005 :93). This category emphasises all aspects of victimisation, even that which is outside the law, whilst examining the role of the state alongside the law in producing victimisation (Walklate,2007b:117). This position can be considered as having influenced the victims movement. Thirdly, there is the critical position which combines the two positions above which looks at the experiences of individual victim s and how the state and societys powers influence them (Goodey, 2005: 93). The critical position is concerned with the invisible victims and acts as well as the visible, and holds that policy should be influenced by both (Walklate, 2007b:119). The main focus of the critical position is on rights, citizenship and the state; these are three important policy oriented concepts which are linked to other versions of victimology (Walklate, 2007b :120). The underlying theories discussed are important as a base to victimology. This next section will go further and provide a explanation of the development of victimology as a field of study. Dignan (2005) describes the significance of the visibility of victims and argues that this is what led to the development of victimology. To explain, this visibility could be considered as a focus on victims rather than offenders. Dignan (2005) claims that in the 1950s the interest of victims was supported by penal reformers, and it was the first time in which penal reformers considered crime as not just a violation of legal obligations but as a violation of the rights of individual victims. Penal reformers had a deep impact in policy and in the development of victimology, for example, Margery Fry was key in promoting the improvement of services for victims (Dignan, 2005:14). Also, the mass media was thought to increase the visibility of victims, focusing strongly on victims and the families of victims; a main illustration being the emphasis that was put on the impact of the Moors Murders on the families of those victims. In addition, the publications of incidents and extensive media coverage focused on the impact of the crime upon the victim (Dignan, 2005: 14). A further increase to victim visibility stemmed from the late 60s in that a recognition had been growing of particular vulnerable groups, specifically domestically abused women, sexually abused women and abused children (Dignan, 2005 :15). With the growth of the feminist movement came an emphasis on women and children as victims of interpersonal crime (Goodey, 2005:102). This brought on broader concerns in regards to the handling of victims (Dignan, 2005: 15). Furthermore, the introduction and growth of victimisation surveys could be considered paramount to the increase of visibility of victims and so the development of victimology. These surveys increased knowledge about the nature and extent of criminal victimisation (Dignan, 2005:16). The surveys arose in the late 1960s and were initially designed to discover more about the dark figure of crime. The surveys were based on individual interviews, with figures about the extent of victims injuries and financial loss, alongside the emotional impact of crime (Maguire 1988:7 8). The Crime Survey for England and Wales, which was formerly known as the British Crime Survey, is an institution which is part of the official crime date (Green, 2007:105). In 1982, the first Crime Survey for England and Wales was conducted, with two following in1984 and 1988 (Maung 1995:1). It is important to point out that previous research in surveys focused on delinquency rather than on victimisation (Maung, 1995:2) . Evidently, the focus of the victim over the offender had increased influencing the development of victimology. One can argue that the introduction of victimisation surveys had an indirect impact on criminological theory, policy, and societys view on crime (MaguirePointing,1988:8). In addition, other forms centred on the victims were emerging alongside victimisation surveys. Following the Victim Movement in the U.S, in the 1970s, the UK courts began to offer retribution for the victims, making them a more central focus in the courts (Maguire, 1988:3). The UK victims movement, largely run by the National Association of Victim Support Schemes, focused on the services to the victims rather than on the rights of victims (Maguire, 1988:3). These services were seen as positive for many people as the objective of the services was to achieve better links between local communities (Maguire, 1988:4), and also they grew fast, with a significant increase in the amount in just five years (Maguire, 1988:21). One of the reasons for the emergence of the Victim Support schemes arguably was the rising crime rate, and with it was the rejection of the rehabilitative criminal justice model in regards to dealing with the offender (Goodey 2005:102). In relation to this rejection, the criminal justice system in England and Wales has introduced the restorative justice model in recent years (Dignan, 2005:108). With restorative justice, victims are central in the justice process, which operates from a belief one can get justice through problem solving and reparation rather than from punitive solutions (Conflicts Solution Centre, 2009). To illustrate, the compensation order of 1972 and the community service order of 1988 were both set in place to provide reparations to the community, but more specifically to the victim (Dignan, 2005:108). The restorative justice model therefore demonstrates the centrality of the victim within the criminal justice system, and through the emphasis of the victim and their compensation, the model links favourably with the study of victimology. Despite the seemingly unstoppable nature of victimology, there are several weaknesses deeply rooted in the study itself. In particular, the concept of the victim can appear to have a significant effect on the development of victimology. Firstly, the differing definitions of the victim can be considered to affect the development of victimology, for example, through reducing the applicability of results derived through research methods . To demonstrate, a survey designed to gain a greater understanding of victimisation which fails to clarify what constitutes being a victim, will have inutile findings as the results would not reflect a collective, consistent understanding. As an illustration of varying definitions, the polices understanding of the concept victim is narrow and in fitting with crime-recording practices, but for others in which these practices do not directly affect, the meaning of the concept may vary indefinitely(Walklate, 2007:38). In contrast, perhaps it is not realistic to attempt to achieve a universal definition of the victim, due to the fact that it is a concept and therefore cannot escape subjectivity. One might say that in terms of this issue, the most desirable option would be to modify research methods in a way that somehow circumvents the problem regarding varying definitions. However, if this occurred, victimology would still be founded on a problematic concept and the possibility of this may be perceived as implausible. Although, it could be argued that the lack of universality may be resolved with the idea of the ideal victim, as the concept seems to provide universal criteria in regards to the victim and the perception of the victim. However, this is not the case as this term deals with a desired definition of who a victim is deemed to be, not what a victim actually is. Generally, the ideal victim is a victim who is weak, of an interpersonal crime, and cant be blamed for being in the place in which the offence occurred; the offender is physically dominant and unknown to the victim (Whyte, 2007a:447). Christine describes an ideal victim as being:- a person or category of individuals who-when hit by crime-most readily are given the complete and legitimate status of being a victim (Christine cited in Walklate, 2005:99) It is said that those people who meet the ideal victim criteria are typically the victims that attract media attention which influences public attention and their sympathy (Whyte, 2007a:447). Therefore, ideal victims are more likely to receive a response and support from the public which may have an influence in regards to the reparation of the offender (Walklate,2007a:114). One may argue, however, that it is fundamental that all victims are recognised first and foremost as have being victimised. Not only is the concept of the ideal victim arguably unfair, but the victimisation it focuses on is disproportionate. To illustrate, the chance of being a victim is :- unevenly distributedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦with poor people from ethnic minorities, especially males, being most likely to be victimised by a stranger and women most likely to be victimised by someone they know (Walklate, 2007a:113). Contestably, the existence of the ideal victim takes away valuable resources, namely general support, which could be used to target and reduce victimisation of those who are victimised more frequently and on a larger scale. This brings the paper onto the concept of victim visibility. What needs to be considered here is the less visible crimes which create the less visible victims (Walklate, 2007a:112). A major example of a less visible crime is corporate crime. It is believed that in the U.K, corporate activity causes over 900 deaths a year, which exceeds the number of people murdered due to interpersonal violence (Whyte,2007a:449). These deaths are as a result of injuries caused by work, poisoning caused by the environment, and food related illnesses (Whyte, 2010:141-143). From this, one can see that corporate crime is a significant social problem, but in practice these incidents are rarely processed or recorded as equivalent to real crimes (Whyte,2010:149). Moreover, if corporate crimes are thought to be largely unreported, a significant number of people who have suffered as a result of these crimes will not be considered as valuable individuals in terms of research, and furthermore they will not get the reparations they deserve. It seems evident that there is an obvious distinction in terms of public and media perception between the victims who carry certain ideal characteristics and the significantly less visible victims. On the whole, the development of victimology as a field of study cannot be considered entirely successful if there exists such major issues with the concept of the victim. Less visible crimes need to become a main focus for victimologists in order to gain more information about the impact of crime on victims of all types of victimisations and, ultimately influence the provision of support for a variety of victims. One could even argue, that verifying the concept of the victim may in itself contribute to solving the issues surrounding the less visible victims and the eradication of the ideal victim. In addition to the problems that arise from the concept of the victim there are several criticisms of the methods used in the development of the study itself. Even without considering the well-known issues of under-reporting and the dark figure of crime, there are problems with methods that are used to gain data, which therefore limit research (Green,2007a:104). To explain, it seems necessary to understand research about victimisations within wider historical, social, ideological and economic conditions, but as victimisation surveys tend to neglect context, there arises a limit to the meaning which can be derived from the surveys (Green, 2007a:104). For example, within a survey a person located on one side of town may reply that they have been the victim of crime in the last six months, and another person may reply the same but on the opposite side of town. It should be essential that these answers are received individually, as being in opposite locations there are bound to be differing contexts of which have influenced the individuals victimisation or the impact they have felt from the victimisation. One could believe that the context is more important that the figures derived from the surveys, as the context may be what deeply affects the victim or increases their chances of victimisation. Therefore, it could appear that victimology has only developed so far, due to the difficult nature of research in this area. Unsurprisingly, there are problems with the Crime Survey for England and Wales, which was formerly the British Crime Survey. Green (2007a) describes several problems with the survey. Firstly, he argues that the survey does not actually tell us about victims and the impact they feel, but the findings from quantifiable, closed questions about victimisation. Secondly, the survey does not attempt to explain trends or attempts to interpret the findings, to explain, as mentioned above it does not appreciate the wider conditions of which victimisations are based. Thirdly, not only are there methodological issues with the survey, due to the entirely positivist nature, there seems to lack are an acknowledgment of its limitations. For example, the survey cannot tell us why some victims are more vulnerable than others but there has been little attempt to rectify this issue. Without acknowledging methodological limitations, one cannot find out what other factors influence the victimisation of di fferent groups and who is immune from victimisation (Green, 2007:105). Another issue to consider is the Crime Survey for England and Wales being limited in its application to under sixteen year olds. As previously stated, children are perceived to be vulnerable and prone to victimisation, but yet this survey seems to disregard children. In contrast, one could argue that children have actually been included in the survey. For instance, in 1992 children aged 12-14 were provided with a self-completion survey about their experiences of crime (Maung, 1995:1). Also, in 2009 children were also included as interviewees (British Crime Survey:2010). One should also highlight that the Crime Survey for England and Wales has data for children which are currently deemed experimental (Economic and Social Data Service: 2010) and so should be considered as a developing source. Arguably, it is not necessarily the Crime Survey for England and Wales that is the problem but how it the survey used (Green, 2007a :106) . To demonstrate, the survey ought to be less about description and more about the impact on the victim. As explored above, if the survey is developing in terms of children as victims, then one could consider that it may be developing and improving generally. In summary, with the main tool in research methods being victimisation surveys, one has to acknowledge the weaknesses of the surveys, but with recognising the necessity of future improvement, one must take into account the possibility of future improvement. In a like manner, a further weakness of the development of victimology is in regards to the weaknesses of Victim Support schemes. Due to the voluntary nature of the schemes, it seems that it is difficult to support a full coverage of crime victims (Corbett Maguire, 1988:31). For example, volunteers of Victim Support can only cover so many victims in a town and can only provide them with a limited amount of resources. Due to the small supply of funding currently provided for Victim Support schemes, payment for a sufficient amount of workers cannot be possible (CorbettMaguire, 1988:31). One could argue that victimologys effect on policy, and its encouragement of a supportive view of victims, has not been fully successful. In order for resources and support for crime victims to improve, one needs the support of the criminal justice system in the focusing of the victim in order to influence the state in providing more compensation for such schemes (CorbettMaguire, 1988:38). In contrast, it could appear that victimologys development has impacted on society enough in that restorative justice is becoming more and more a part of the criminal justice system (Ministry of Justice, 2012). In terms of focus on the victim and their impact from crime, restorative justice implements these considerations significantly. It is true that restorative justice has not been fully implemented in the system as practices thought as most restorative are committed to other processes that are not seen true of fully court-based reparative interventions, for example, mediation (Dignan, 2005:125). Although this is the case, in development there are action plans in place for the restorative justice model (Ministry of Justice, 2012). Therefore on this view, if victimology as a field of study can be considered as an influence on highlighting the importance of the victim, then one can say it has been a successful development as it has contributed to changes in the criminal justice system in favour of the victim. Despite victimologys apparent success in influencing policy in favour of the victim, there exists weaknesses in the theories of which victimology is based upon. Firstly, positivist victimology can be considered to assume the identity of victims as self-evident, without acknowledging the construction of the ideal victim for example (Dignan, 2005:33). Also, positivism concentrates on the scientific nature of victimology, but the perception of what is scientific has become debatable, making the foundations of the theory unstable (Walklate, 2007b:115). Similarly, radical victimology can be considered to be based on the same conception of science as positivist victimology and so suffer from the same weakness (Walklate, 2007b:117). Also, it can be argued that it is limited as it concentrates its analysis of the processes of victimisation on the social classes, whilst ignoring other factors, for example, race, age and gender (Dignan, 2005:34). On the other hand, critical victimology can be seen to highlight the importance of historical and cultural contexts in shaping victimising practices and our feelings towards them, and due to this, critical victimology acknowledges that concepts such as victim and victimisation are contested and not universal (Dignan,2005:35). As discussed previously, the issues with the concept of the victim are almost overwhelming, and so the fact critical victimology at least acknowledges these issues helps bring on a potential process of resolution. Although there are profound issues with positivist and radical victimology, it seems that critical victimology has its strengths which one could argue provides a degree of stability for the field of study of victimology. To summarise, this paper has explained the development of victimology as a field of study, claiming that the development generally occurred through a focus on victims and their centrality in the criminal justice process. The paper went on to consider several weaknesses of victimology itself, arguing that if there exists such major issues with the concept of the victim, the development of victimology as a field of study cannot be considered wholly successful. Secondly, the paper discussed problems surrounding research methods. Although one must acknowledge these problems, it is essential to recognise the possibility of future improvements of such methods. In addition, there are obvious issues with positivist and radical victimology which affect the stability of victimology, nevertheless it seems that critical victimology has its strengths which one could consider to overshadow the weaknesses of the other theories., especially in regards to the recognition of issues surrounding the con cept of the victim. However, most importantly it seems that one cannot say that victimologys development has been completely successful until we see its influence contribute to a fully implemented change in favour of the victim within the criminal justice system. To specify, this would be restorative justice having a more full and firm place in the system, which, for example. could lead to more funds for Victim Support schemes. In conclusion, this paper has explained and evaluated the development of victimology as a field of study, and has argued that the development has not been fully successful. Despite this, the continual development of the study could potentially lead to improvement, and could therefore result in a more successful development of victimology overall.