Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Promote and implement health and safety Essay

Promote and implement health and safety in health and social care (HSC 037) Outcome 1 : Understand own responsibilities, and the responsibilities of others, relating to health and safety 1. identify legislation relating to health and safety in a health or social care work setting The settings in which we are likely to provide support are generally covered by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 ( HASAWA ). This Act is like the overall â€Å"umbrella† that has been updated and supplemented by all the regulations and guidelines which extent it, support it or explain it. Health and Safety at Work Act: Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 ( as amended 2002 ); Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 ( COSHH ); Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 ( RIDDOR ) ( amended 2008); Health and Safety First Aid Regulations 1981; Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Read more: Analyse factors that tend to trigger own stress essay 2. explain the main points of health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the main piece of legislation that covers related health and safety in England. It is everyone, no matter what their job role is, within the organisation has a responsibility to ensuring the health and safety of each other while at work. It is also the employee’s duty to take care for themselfves and of other persons who may be affected and time to read the risk assessment reports and follow any changes that have been made. All staff should follow the changes that have been made. Things such as manual handling, be sure that we move and handle object and inviduals safely; fire/evacuation policy, be sure that we know our organisation fire /evacuation policy and procedure and the location of fire exits and fire equipment and how to call for help; risk assessment, understand the risk to each activity that we undertake and assess the risk regulary if there is any improvement or not; waste disposal policy, understand the colour of the general waste and clinical, the type of sharp boxes with differrent colour; infection control, we need to know the policies that are designed to prevent the spresd of infection, such as washing your hands between each patient and side rooms, where can have an infection with mrsa, cddif so we have to wash before entrering the room and after, aswell hearing a yellow appron. 3. Analyse the main health and safety responsibilities of: †¢ self, to take care of our own health and safety; if possible, avoid wearing jewellery, such as necklace, that can be stuck in some equipment; if you have long hair or wear a headscarf, to make sure it is tied up; making sure that we get proper training and that we understand and follow the company ´s health and safety policies; to report any injuries, strains or illnesses we suffer as a result of doing our job; tell our employer if something happens that might affect our ability to work. †¢ the employer or manager, have to make the workplace safe; prevent risks to health; ensure that equipment is safe to use, and that safe working practices are set up and followed; make sure that all materials are handled, stored and used safety; provide adequate first aid facilities; tell us about any potential hazards from the work we do, chemicals and other substances used by the organisation, and give us information, instructions, training and supervision as needed; set up emergenc y plans; make sure that temperature, lighting and tolitel, washing facilities all are adequate in health and safety; check if the right work equipment is provided and properly used and regulary maintained; avoid potentially dangerous work involving manual handling and, if it cannot be avoided, take precautions to reduce the risk of injury; report certain accidents, injuries, diseases and dangerous occurances to eitheir the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). †¢ others in the work setting, other employees in the work place have the same role as us. They should use all PPE made available to them. They should be responsible for their own health and safety, in accordance to the policies, as well the patients and other employees around them and they should report any concernes to reduce the risk to the patients. 4. identify specific tasks in the work setting that should not be carried out without special training. Manual handling equipment, such as sliding sheets, hoists,mobility aids, need to be carried out by people who have had a training to do it. Employers are obliged to provide training in manual handling. Traning it is important to be up to date, for new techniques and equipment. Moving patients without proper training is dangerous for both of us. We will also need training for specific equipment, for example, arjo hoist and oxford hoist is to be used in workplace, no one will be able to operate it without training. When we have to move a patient out of bed and get him in the armchair, so we have a look on the risk assessment manual & handling form how to mobile, it is  written need to use a arjo hoist. To use a hoist we have to have a training how to use it and how to know which sling we should use. A patient weigh 60 kg, so we check the different colors of the slings and we should use the yellow sling, so now we can hoist the patient on the armchair. So for that we need a manual handling training update. Outcome 2: Be able to carry out own responsibilities for health and safety 1. use policies and procedures or other agreed ways of working that relate to health and safety Health and Safety policies set out the arrangements thta a workplace has for complying with legislation. Health and Safety procedures decribes the activities that need to be carried out our work in line with the policies and procedures laid down by your employer. There is no point having policies and procedures if they are not followed. We must be clear about the areas thatt are our responsibility. 2. support others to understand and follow safe practices Supporting people to take steps about their own safety. It is important that we recognise that people you are supporting need to be able to ensure their own health and well-being as far as possible. To support this, we should encourage and assist people to: talk about the stepd they would prefer to take in relation to health and safety; understand and take responsibility for promoting their own health and care; assess and manage risks to their health and well-being; identify and report any factors that may put themselves or others at risk. It is very difficult if we are the only person in your worplace following good practice. We may able to encourage others by: always showing a good example; explaining why we are following procedures; getting some health and safety leaflets from our trade union or environmental health office and leaving them in the staffroom for people to see; bringing in any imformation about training; asking our manager if they can arrange a talk on health and safety. 3. monitor and report potential health and safety risks We are have a responsability with our employer for the safety of all the peolple who use our service. This means that we need to be alert alll the time- risks and hazards are constantly changing and we need to make sute that we are aware of these canges. Juat because we checked something six  months ago, do not assume that it is still working well; a hoist that worked few days ago may not work today. We need to be aware of and monitor the following types of hazards regulary. Reporting risks to our manager or 6000 is important , even after a risk assessment and control measures. We should report hazards that are beyond our role and competence, such as: faulty equipment; loose or damaged fittings; damage or faulty aids-for exemplo, bed brakes, bed controlers, hoists. As well as our responsibility to report risks and hazards to our employer, all employers have to report certain events to the Health and Safety Executive or environmental health department. 4. use risk assessment in rela tion to health and safety Risk assessment in health and social care is important for everyone whether they are employers, self-employed or employees, who are required by law to identify and assess risks in the workplace. This includes any situations where potential harm may be caused. There are many regulations that require risks to be assessed and some are covered by European Community directives. These include: Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999; Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992; Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992; Health and Safety ( Display Screen Equipment ) Regulation 1992; Noise at Work Regulation 1989; Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH); Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002; Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 state that employers have to assess any risks which are associated with the workplace and work activities. Risk assessments are vitally important in order to protect the health and safety of both of us and the people we support. We should always check that a risk assessment has been carried out before we undertake any task, and then follow the steps identified in the assessment in order to reduce the risk. 5. demonstrate ways to minimise potential risks and hazards Done. assess at work. 6. access additional support or information relating to health and safety. Outcome 3: Understand procedures for responding to accidents and sudden illness 1. describe different types of accidents and sudden illness that may occur in own work setting We may be involved with any of different types  of accidents and sudden illness at the hospital, we can occur with patients wandering around the ward, who has dementia, they can trip over with their clothes, getting tired to walk around and can have a fall, they can have aggressive behaviours towards to the staff who trying to help them. Patient walking with mobility aids, frame, to the toilet with assistance from a member of staff and carried a oxygen bottle(small). Can occur a sudden illness of strength using a toilet and having a loss of consciousness. Can occur loose stool with offensive smell and type 5/6/7 when a patient been treated with antibiotics due to any infection they had such a UTI or a chest infection. 2. explain procedu res to be followed if an accident or sudden illness should occur. When accidents or sudden illness happen we call for help, cases of a fall, if the patient follow commands, they can stand using a chair or a bed, bending their knee and stand with our help, in case of a patients can ´t stand, we use the hoist, after that we check their skin, asking if they have any pain and do a set of observation and bleep the doctor. Loss of consciousness happen from a strength, call for help, pulling the emergency alarm, quick and bring him back to bed, increase the oxygen, set of observations and bleep the doctor. If we have a patients with C. Difficile infection is a type of bacterial infection that can affect the digestive system. It most commonly affects people who have been treated with antibiotics, they should be in the side room. The procedure to be followed when a patient has loose stool type 5/6/7, a stool speciment should be sent for c.diff and mrsa check, when we know the result of the speciment and it is c.diff, isolate the patient if a side room is available or barrier nurse in the bay with a trolley with gloves, yellow apron and a sign with a date of commence of the diarrhea and tick the boxes what the visitors should do and give to the patient a leaflet of information regarding the infection they have. C. difficile bacteria spread very easily can usually be prevented by practising good hygiene such as washing hands regularly and cleaning surfaces using products containing bleach. Visitors/staff can reduce the risk of spreading infection by washing your hands before and after entering the bed space. Alcohol hand gel is not effective against C. difficile spores, so the use of soap and water is essential. Outcome 4: Be able to reduce the spread of infection 1. explain own role in supporting others to follow practices that reduce the spread of infection My role in supporting others is to follow practices that reduce the spread of infection by always ensuring I wear the correct ppe, wash my hands frequently, and dispose of contaminated waste in the yellow bins provided. Make sure all the equipment is clean before use and after use. My role in supporting others to preventing C. difficile infections is advising visitors, if they are visiting a patient in hospital who has diarrhea or a stomach upset, to try to avoid taking any children under the age of 12 with them. They should also, wash their hands with soap and water when entering and leaving ward areas, side rooms. Avoid coming to hospital if they are feeling unwell or have recently had diarrhoea. Observe visiting hours and all visiting guidelines. Healthcare workers should wear disposable gloves and aprons when caring for anyone who has a C. difficile infection. Whenever possible, people who are infected with C. difficile should have their own room and toilet facilities to avoid passing the infection on to others. Staff, patients and visitors should be encouraged to wash their hands regularly and thoroughly. Alcohol hand gel is not effective against C. difficile spores, so the use of soap and water is essential. Surfaces that may have come into contact with the bacteria or spores, such as toilets, the floor around toilets, bedpans and beds, should also be cleaned thoroughly with water and a cleaning product that contains bleach. 2. demonstrate the recommended method for hand washing Face to face done 3. demonstrate ways to ensure that own health and hygiene do not pose a risk to an individual or to others at work. Face to face done Outcome 5: Be able to move and handle equipment and other objects safely 1. explain the main points of legislation that relates to moving and handling There are 2 main pieces of legislation that are relevant to moving and handling. They are the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (amended 2002). Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: This refers to all health and safety issues, not just moving and handling. It states that employers have an obligation to provide equipment, information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure as  far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of their employees. It also states that every employee must safeguard themselves and others and must co-operate with the employer. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992: This states that manual handling should be avoided whenever possible; If it is not possible to avoid manual handling, the task should be risk assessed; Any risks that have been identified should be reduce as much as possible; Assessments should be reviewed on a regular basics; Employees must comply with policies and procedures regarding manual handling. 2. explain principles for safe moving and handling Wear appropriate footwear and clothing which allows freedom of movement. Always assess the load, task, capabilities of staff and environment (TILE) before manual handling. Always select the correct equipment or technique for the movement. Avoid manual lifting wherever possible. Remove all potentially dangerous objects. If moving a patient, teach them to participate and encourage independent movement. Stand as close to the patient as possible, and spread your feet to shoulder width. Bend your knees ( use thigh not back muscles ) and try and keep the back upright posture. Keep head up to avoid stooping, look straight ahead. Use the legs to lift the patient in a smooth motion as this offers more leverage reducing the strain on your back. Avoid twisting the body as much as possible by turning your feet to position yourself with the patient. Brace your abdominal muscles when moving and handling to help support the lumbar spine. Use the commands READY BRACE MOVE. 3. move and handle equipment and other objects safely. Outcome 6: Be able to handle hazardous substances and materials 1. describe types of hazardous substances that may be found in the work setting The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health ( COSHH ) Regulations apply to substances that have been identified as Toxic: chemicals which in very low quantities cause death or acute or chronic damage to health whn inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the skin; Corrosive: chemicals which on  contact withh living tissues may destroy them; Harmful: chemicals which may cause death or accute or chronic damage to health; Irritant: non-corrosive chemical which through immediate, prolonged or repeated contact with the skin or mucous membranes, may cause inflammation; Explosive; chemicals that may react producing heat without atmospheric oxygen, quickly producing gases and which can detonate and explode; Oxidising: chimicals which give rise to heat producing reactions when in contact with other substances, particularly flammable substances; Flammable: Extremely ( F+ ) liquids that have an extremely low flash point below 0 ºC and low boiling point equal to or below 35 ºC. Or gaseous substnces which are flammable in contact with air at ambient temperature and pressure. Highly ( F ) chemicals which may become hot and catch fire in contact with air at ambient temperature without any application of energy. A solid which readily catches fire with minimal contact with a source of ignition and which continue to burn after the source is removed. Liquids with a very low flashpoint ( equal to or less than 21 ºC ) and not classified as extremely flammable. 2. demonstrate safe practices for: †¢ storing hazardous substances †¢ using hazardous substances †¢ disposing of hazardous substances and materials. Outcome 7: Be able to promote fire safety in the work setting 1. describe practices that prevent fires from: a. starting Practices that prevent fires from starting include: the use of smoke alarms, ensuring all cigarettes have been extinguished, ensuring all unused electrical equipment is unplugged and ensuring electrical and gas appliances have been checked. b. spreading Practices that prevent fires from spreading include: Keeping fire doors closed to prevent the spread of fire, not opening windows that might make the fire spread suddenly. 2. demonstrate measures that prevent fires from starting 3. explain emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a fire in the  work setting Fire emergency procedures: Sound the alarm, then call the fire brigade, follow the evacuation plan, report to the assembly point. Help others only if safe to do so otherwise close doors behind to avoid the fire spreading, it is also important not to use the lift in a fire. All routes of evacuation, fire exits, doors, corridors and passage ways must be kept clear at all times because if a fire occurs, all means of quick escape are available. This also complies with legislation requirements. 4. ensure that clear evacuation routes are maintained at all time. Outcome 8: Be able to implement security measures in the work setting 1. demonstrate use of a greed procedures for checking the identity of anyone requesting access to: †¢ premises †¢ information 2. demonstrate use of measures to protect own security and the security of others in the work setting 3. explain the importance of ensuring that others are aware of own whereabouts. The importance of ensuring that others are aware of own whereabouts when in a care setting is that to avoid being caught in the situation or emergency cases where you don’t even know where to escape to save yourself. Also, If you know your whereabout, then you will avoid accidents that may happen since you know the place where you are, most of all, you will avoid being lost. For example, there was fire in the building and you have already left without telling anyone and you are not accounted for on the register they might assume you are still in the building, that’s why it is very important to tell about your whereabouts. Outcome 9: Know how to manage stress 1. describe common signs and indicators of stress Stress is the way that you feel when too much pressure is placed on you.   A little bit of pressure can be positive, productive and motivating, but too much pressure can lead to negative stress. When we talk about stress we are usually referring to negative stress. It is unhealthy for the mind and body. Everyone reacts differently to stress and different people can cope with different levels of stress. In many cases, too much stress often leads to physical, mental and emotional problems.

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