Sunday, November 24, 2019

Death Essays (679 words) - Death Customs, Undertaking, Mourning

Death Essays (679 words) - Death Customs, Undertaking, Mourning Gurtegh Hora Period 1 Death is inevitable that one cannot escape and avoid the pain and sorrow that follows. Death cannot be avoided in any way, shape or form. This is seen in both poems Funeral Blues by W.H. Auden and Spring and Fall: To a Young Child by Gerard Manley Hopkins 1918. Death is so dreadful that it impacts everything starting with the environment and leading all the way to the outcomes of death. Death is so horrific that it even affects nature and the environment of one as a whole. He was my North, my South, my East and West, symbolizes that this man was her everything, her whole entire world, but could not stay with her forever. In the third stanza, Auden uses Metaphors to display how much the past meant to the narrator. Auden says that we must "stop the dog from barking," "silence the pianos," and bring out a "muffled drum. In the first stanza, there is a lot of Imagery that brings upon a feeling of grief, sadness and emotion. Margaret are you grieving/Over Goldengrove unleaving? Which brings up a very sad emotion because the leaves are are beginning to fall. There is use of Illiteration with the words grieving and Goldengrove, emphasizing its importance. Frequently people find themselves in a situation where they are unable to deliberate death openly. I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong. This displays that she couldnt have him forever. The use of Syntax was essential in this case because it calls for pause giving more depth to the sentence, and shows how the girl must be very sad do to her loss. In the second stanza, Auden describes having airplanes "circle moaning overhead Scribbling on the sky" indicating about how this person's loved one had died. There is a heavy use of Personification because airplanes aren't capable of moaning or scribbling; but giving an airplane the ability to do so adds a key element to the poem. It gave off the feeling that the airplane is mourning a death as well. Margaret is in the "spring" of her life and she is only a "young child,". But even though she's young, she's already starting to realize (due to the leaves falling) and that she will eventually grow old and die. The main device us ed here was Juxtaposition, which contrasts between youth and age, innocence and knowledge, spring and fall. The end results after a person or one has passed away or is going to one day, is a feeling that you cannot overcome. It is the blight man was born for/It is Margaret you mourn for. She is not mourning for the leaf, she mourning because she realizes that one-day she will fall just as the leaves. Also there is use of Illiteration with blight and born, blight-meaning burden gives the last to lines more emotion. As well as Conflict because she will mourn her own death one day. For nothing now can ever come to any good. Displays how the world isn't big enough to hold the pain of the death has taken place, and its not enough to go up, one must come back down. This is worst that could happen, it could one get better from this point on. The words that sated the first three line of the poem Stop, Prevent, Silence indicates negativity and death. Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come, shows that a he is dead and now mourning his death is last thing to do. Death is so significant that it last everyday until one lives there last day. The environment, people/family and the end results of death are all major points seen throughout the writings. When someone dies, it kills the person mourning day in and night. Death is not an easy thing to overcome when you know its approaching or it has already occurred, as displayed by these two poems.

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